Now board members and management have another reason to sit up and take notice when issues of tenant security are raised. It can be summed up in one word: Liability. In a growing number of jurisdictions, property owners are being held lia…

Now board members and management have another reason to sit up and take notice when issues of tenant security are raised. It can be summed up in one word: Liability. In a growing number of jurisdictions, property owners are being held lia…
At long last, the good news is here: New York real estate prices are on the rise. Every major real estate brokerage firm in the city reports that across-the-board prices rose from 1993 to 1994. Although there are areas that remain flat or…
Personality. Every individual has one, every couple, every family. Whether vibrant, artistic, intelligent, meticulous or expressive, every individual's personality varies and shines through in their every action, every word, every movement.…
Several months ago, I wrote an article for this column detailing the circumstances under which a cooperative board could legally discriminate against those wishing permission to either occupy or purchase the stock and lease of a cooperati…
Let's face it, the City is going to the dogsM-or is it cats? New Yorkers love their pets. No matter whether feline or canine, the depth of emotion owners have for their furry companions is staggering. This staunch devotion could go double f…