Category: Building Operations

Finance New York City Inks $82.1 Billion Budget Plan
2016 July New York City Inks $82.1 Billion Budget Plan

Mayor Bill de Blasio, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and members of the City Council reached an historic agreement for an on-time and balanced New York City budget for Fiscal Year 2017, marking completion of the earliest budget deal …

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Finance Spotting Financial Irregularities
2016 July Spotting Financial Irregularities

While it's pretty much impossible for a co-op or condo board or employee to commit fraud on the scale of a Bernie Madoff or any one of the herd of shysters who have tromped through the news in recent years, building boards and managers cert…

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Finance Collecting Arrears
2016 July Collecting Arrears

The majority of co-op and condo residents pay their monthly maintenance fees on time and in full with no problem. The recent recession, however, changed the picture drastically for residents who found themselves laid off, under-employed, or…

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Finance Show Me the Money
2016 July Show Me the Money

The first of the month rolls around and it’s time to pay the bills that keep your building operational. Repairs might need to be made, staff salaries paid, maintenance done to keep all the common elements running, and supplies reordered. Th…

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Management Navigating the Lap of Luxury
Navigating the Lap of Luxury

A hotel is often viewed as simply a weigh station; a temporary rest stop for the active wanderer. Thus there has always been something fascinating about those who take up permanent residence therein, whether they be Tennessee Williams, Bob …

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Management Cracking Down on Unwanted Smoking
Cracking Down on Unwanted Smoking

For those who live in multifamily residential buildings, the scenario is all too familiar: a neighbor lights up a cigarette inside their unit, and the smoke travels through the hallway and finds its way into neighboring residents’ homes. So…

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Security Mosquito Control in the Wake of Zika
Mosquito Control in the Wake of Zika

If you're ever outdoors during the summertime, you know that those darn mosquitoes are unavoidable, whether you're sitting on your patio or picnicking in the park. The most common solution is either swatting the pesky creatures away from yo…

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Design Bike Storage
Bike Storage

For the last decade or so, newly constructed residential buildings have featured all kinds of novel amenities, from simple but unexpected to the opulent and extravagant — and it shows no signs of slowing down. “ There’s an amenities …

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Management Be Prepared
Be Prepared

A panel of emergency preparedness experts from emergency management to officials with the NYPD and SEIU Local 32BJ told a roomful of board members and managers the urgency of preparing residents and building staff for events ranging from te…

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