Category: Building Operations

Management Effective Committees
2023 November Effective Committees

In a typical co-op, condo, or homeowners association, residents have a lot to say about how their building or community is or should be functioning … but few actually step up to run for and serve on the board that does the actual governing.…

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Management The Cannabis Question
2023 November The Cannabis Question

With cannabis use becoming increasingly normalized (as of this year, 38 states permit medical marijuana use and 23 permit both medical and recreational consumption), co-op and condo administrators are faced with yet another quality-of-life …

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Maintenance Work space field maintenance
2023 November Maintaining Your Elevators

The elevator is one of those inventions—along with running hot and cold water and indoor plumbing—that have been around for so long we take it for granted. But elevators obviously weren’t always a part of the architectural landscape. Withou…

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Maintenance skyscrapers view at night in Manhattan New York
2023 November Maintaining Glass Façades

Glass façades are for many the epitome of contemporary urban architecture and design. Sleek, clean, and modern, they give the impression of an Emerald City of the future, rising above the bricks and mortar of yesterday’s Gotham. Yet with th…

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Finance Project cost estimation, calculate budget or resources to finish work, financial plan, invoice or tax, expense or loan concept, businesswoman with calculator estimate cost from project document.
Understanding Your Monthly Financial Information

Congratulations! You’ve just been elected to the board of directors, and given your first monthly financial packet. Like many new board members, your first thought is, “This is so confusing. Glad I’m not the treasurer - I don’t have to unde…

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Management Mark Your Calendar!
Mark Your Calendar!

Whether you’re a manager or a board member, running a co-op, condo, or HOA has never been an easy job. There’s always a capital project to fund, a contractor to hire, a dispute to resolve, a leak to repair...the list can feel endless.    …

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Maintenance Home problem, building problem wall cracked need to repair hurry up
NY DOB Mandates Parapet Wall Inspections

The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) has enacted a new rule relating to façade maintenance and safety - this one directed at parapet walls. The parapet is a low protective wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, or balcony. The ne…

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Management Hiring Professionals vs. Doing Repairs In-House
2023 October Hiring Professionals vs. Doing Repairs In-House

It takes a small army of professionals—everyone from on-site handymen to licensed professional tradespeople and engineers—to maintain multifamily buildings, both large and small. The question is, who does what, and when? Everyone likes to s…

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