Category: Building Operations

Design Designing Personalities
1995 Mar Designing Personalities

Personality. Every individual has one, every couple, every family. Whether vibrant, artistic, intelligent, meticulous or expressive, every individual's personality varies and shines through in their every action, every word, every movement.…

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Management New Security Products Protect Residents
1995 Mar New Security Products Protect Residents

Now board members and management have another reason to sit up and take notice when issues of tenant security are raised. It can be summed up in one word: Liability. In a growing number of jurisdictions, property owners are being held lia…

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Design Renovators Beware
1995 Feb Renovators Beware

Renovation. It is a process that is approached with both excitement and trepidation. The excitement has everything to do with the results that are anticipated, while the trepidation, for many, is based on the stories told by others. I be…

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Management Diversification
1995 Feb Diversification

Co-op, condo and HOA (Home Owners Associa-tion) managing agents share common goals with the boards they serve: To improve both the quality of life and the bottom line of the properties they manage. To help achieve these goals, many manag…

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Insurance Recovering Fraud Loss
1995 Dec/Jan Recovering Fraud Loss

There is some good news for cooperatives and condo-miniums that feel they have suffered because of the alleged bribery, extortion, kickbacks and other corrupt acts of some real estate managers and management companies. Insurance may cover…

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Management The Annual Meeting
1995 Dec/Jan The Annual Meeting

If winter's here, can spring be far behind? This old adage is particularly meaningful in relation to the annual ritual which takes place among cooperative housing corporations each spring: The Annual Shareholders Meeting. Even though the gr…

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Management Maximize Garage Income
1995 Dec/Jan Maximize Garage Income

If there's a garage in your build-ing, chances are it's not being used to its fullest potential. Security cameras and gates, welcoming signs, and preferred treatment for residents are a few of the enhancements that can help improve your b…

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Maintenance CAI Public Policy Report: Condo Safety
CAI Public Policy Report: Condo Safety

Following the tragic partial collapse of Champlain Tower South in Surfside, Florida in June 2021, the Community Associations Institute (CAI) convened a trio of task forces to explore laws and best practices for the community association…

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Management Structural Inspections
Structural Inspections

In light of the catastrophic, deadly condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida, at the end of June, boards and residents in multifamily buildings across the country are taking a hard look at how their own properties measure up to the str…

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