According to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised in Brief (2005), “The holding of assemblies of the elders, fighting men, or people of a tribe, community, or city to make decisions or render opinion on important matters is doubtless a cus…
Category: Board Operations
Whether living in a crowded high-rise or a sprawling suburban community, when it comes to condos, co-ops and homeowners’ associations, safety is paramount. From management to the board to fellow residents, it falls to everyone to show conce…
In 2017, a Boston couple were brutally murdered in their penthouse apartment in a high-end condominium building. The murderer, the former employee of a company that supplied concierge services to the condo, had worked there, and so knew the…
While visions of sugar plums may be dancing through your head this time of year, if you’re sitting on the board of your condominium or co-op it may be time to think about projects a bit further down the road; specifically, projects that are…
As the effects of climate change intensify, apartment communities are faced with new and newly stringent requirements on many fronts in an effort to slow the tide. These range from converting from fossil fuels to more efficient types of ren…
We hear about them all the time. Whole movies are made about them. Those nosey, controlling, downright hostile neighbors who can make your life miserable. Having one down the hall or next door is bad enough—imagine what happens when they e…
Buying into a residential community like a co-op, condominium, or HOA can be a bit like selecting the political system you’d like to live under. Governance styles can range from an Athenian democracy where every member of the community is i…
In these difficult inflationary times, many co-op corporations and condominium associations are looking for ways to generate income to make up for unexpected financial shortfalls between their projected operating expenses and current actual…
With all the pandemic-related restrictions being discussed in the media, it’s sometimes startling to realize how much renovation work is still going on in and around co-op and condominium apartments. It’s long been routine for co-op boards…
In the wake of a tragedy of the size and scope of the recent building collapse in Surfside, Florida, many board members in condos, co-ops, and HOAs have concerns about what liability they may assume in their administrative role. This concer…