The CooperatorEvents EXPO Is Back! Wednesday, May 10, at the New York Hilton Midtown

The CooperatorEvents EXPO Is Back!

CooperatorEvents is excited to be back at the New York Hilton Midtown on Wednesday, May 10, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm for this spring’s New York Expo! If you’ve joined us for previous shows, you know the Expo offers great opportunities for managers, board members, and individuals interested in making their building or association the best it can be by exploring the latest trends and innovations in the multifamily industry—all for FREE at And if this will be your first Expo, you can look forward to accessing industry experts, service providers, and vendors who can offer valuable insights and advice on everything from financing to maintenance and renovation.

Let’s Link Up

One of the Expo’s biggest draws is the opportunity to network with other individuals in the industry. Whether you’re on your board, serve on a committee, or manage properties, the show is an excellent platform to meet and engage with peers and like-minded professionals. In just a few hours, you can expand your network, build new relationships, and gain valuable contacts that can help make your job easier. 

Exhibitors from the construction, design, and building technology sectors come to the Expo to showcase their latest products and services, giving attendees a firsthand look at the latest trends and innovations in the industry. 

Along with the hundreds of exhibitors, another major reason to visit the show is of course the day’s roster of FREE educational seminars. These hour-long sessions cover topics ranging from financing to legal issues to building management and more, led by experts in the field. They provide attendees with valuable information and strategies that can be applied in their own buildings. This year’s schedule includes: 

9:30 am - 10:30 am, Room 1
Navigating a Volatile Mortgage Market—What Your Board Must Know
Sponsored by Meridian Capital Group

Today’s lending environment can be volatile—which can make refinancing your co-op’s underlying mortgage or funding a major capital project even more daunting than usual. Join us for an in-depth discussion of the products and options available to meet your community’s unique needs, as well as some answers to your board’s biggest borrowing questions.

Panelists: TBD

10:30 am - 11:30 am, Room 2
The Latest Local Laws: LL97, FISP, E-Bikes, & Understanding the Financial Implications for Your Co-op or Condo Community
Sponsored by Kagan Lubic Lepper Finkelstein & Gold, LLP

Join us for an insightful seminar on Local Laws that affect cooperatives and condominiums in New York City. Our expert panel will explore the latest compliance and financial considerations for various Local Laws, including upcoming LL97 deadlines, the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP), gas piping inspections, short-term rentals, e-bikes, and more. As these laws have major implications for co-op and condo communities, staying up-to-date with the latest developments is crucial. In this seminar, our panel will provide valuable guidance on navigating these laws to ensure the safety of residents and guests while avoiding costly fines and potential liability. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from our seasoned experts on how to keep your building in compliance.

Panelists: Jack E. Lepper, Managing Partner, Adam D. Finkelstein, Partner, Denise C. Sagua, Attorney at Law

11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Room 1
The One-Hour Board Meeting—How to Run Smoother, More Productive Board Meetings
Sponsored by Schneider Buchel LLP

Board meetings are where the business of your community gets done—but they’re notorious for being unnecessarily lengthy and unfocused affairs. Fortunately, there’s a better way. Marc H. Schneider, Esq. will lay out a procedural roadmap for getting your board on track, organized, and able to complete all of your business in an hour.

Panelist: Marc H. Schneider, Esq.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, Room 2
Going Solar—Cost Savings, Economic Incentives, & Making Greener Energy Work for Your Building
Sponsored by Best Energy Power

More than ever before, solar energy is a viable option for co-op and condo communities looking to reduce emissions, save money, and provide reliable energy to their residents. This presentation will explain how solar works, break down the costs involved—as well as incentive and subsidy programs and financing options—and decode the ROI equation for boards and residents to help your building save on operating costs. Importantly, it will also explain the new Local Laws 92, 94, and 97, which require buildings over 25,000 square feet to have solar on the roof, and how the laws apply to co-ops and condos. This conversation will address any concerns you may have for going green by going solar.

Panelist: Ronnie Mandler

1:30 pm -2:30 pm, Room 1
Enhancing Revenue, Controlling Rising Costs: Strategies for Condo & Co-op Boards
Sponsored by FirstService Residential

New York City co-op and condo boards are seeing a steady rise in annual operating costs—particularly in annual utilities and insurance premiums. While operating costs may seem beyond your control, your management company should provide strategies to reduce costs and programs that deliver significant savings. This panel will discuss the most successful strategies to reduce costs, including energy aggregation programs, utility bill audits, valuable incentives for efficiency projects, Community Distributed Energy (CDG) programs, alternative insurance products, tax certiorari services, and more.

Panelists: Michael Wolfe, President of Property Management, FirstService Residential, Kelly Dougherty, President, FirstService Energy, Alison Zuffi, Director of Insurance, FirstService Residential

2:30 pm -3:30 pm, Room 2
How to Handle Transfers—Current Issues Facing Co-op & Condo Boards
Sponsored by Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP

Transfers of co-op shares and condo units by estates, as well as transfers to trusts and LLCs, raise questions for even the most experienced, well-informed board. Who pays maintenance and common charges until an executor is appointed? What if there’s no next of kin? Who has the right to occupy an apartment if it’s not owned by a living person? When does a board lose the right to consent or exercise its right of first refusal? This panel will address those questions and many more—including enforcement of condo and co-op rights against legal entities, and new restrictions on co-op approvals at the city, county, and state level.

Panelist: Kenneth Jacobs, Esq.

See You at the Show! 

Whether this will be your first Expo or your 15th, visit to register (did we mention the show is FREE to attend?), find out who’s exhibiting, view the floorplan, and plan your day at the show. No matter what you’re looking for on behalf of your building or association, you’ll find it at the CooperatorEvents New York Expo. We look forward to seeing you there! 

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