To opt out of pre-approved credit card offers, call 1-888-5-OPTOUT. This is a secure line run jointly by the "Big Three" credit bureaus through which you can be deleted from credit card junk mail and phone solicitations. You can also contact the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service at PO Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735 and Telephone Preference Service at PO Box 9015, Farmingdale, NY 11735 to be removed from junk mail and phone solicitation lists.
- Equifax: For a copy of your credit report, call 1-800-685-1111. To put out a fraud alert on your accounts, dial 1-888-766-0008, for general questions or to receive more information, visit www.equifax.com or write to Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc. PO Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374.
- Experian: For credit reports, disputes, or fraud alerts, call 1-888-EXPERIAN or log on to www.experian.com.
- TransUnion: To obtain credit reports, to dispute your credit report, or to register a fraud alert, call 1-800-916-8800, log on to www.tuc.com, or write to TransUnion Credit Services, PO Box 2000 Chester, PA 19022.
Once you've notified the credit bureaus, file a police report with your local precinct and alert the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): you can access the FTC's Web site at www.ftc.gov to file an online identity theft report or register a complaint against noncompliant businesses or solicitors.
You can get more information on protecting yourself and your building community from fraud by visiting the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse online at www.privactyrights.org or calling 619-298-3396. (The PRC is located in San Diego, CA, so remember the three-hour time difference when calling.)
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