Time was when the average New Yorker didn’t think much about floods. Sure, there were severe storms here, such as the infamous Hurricane of 1938 that hit Long Island and the Great Nor’easter of 1992, but these were few and far between. …

Time was when the average New Yorker didn’t think much about floods. Sure, there were severe storms here, such as the infamous Hurricane of 1938 that hit Long Island and the Great Nor’easter of 1992, but these were few and far between. …
Mold—it’s an ugly four-letter word in more ways than one. Nobody wants to think about the fact that this fungus can be found anywhere where water leaks or drainage problems are present. Mold can cause serious damage to a co-op or condom…
Recently, a 36-year-old New York City restoration contractor was charged with multiple counts of workers’ compensation fraud and falsifying business records. He was hired as a sub-contractor, but he allegedly submitted three fraudulent …
For any co-op or condo in New York, there are certain types of insurance that they cannot live without. Generally those include: property, liability, umbrella, D&O (with employment practices liability (EPL) insurance embedded in the co…
Co-op and condo board members are generally volunteers who live in their building and give of their time and expertise to help make sure their home is well-run, and their investment protected. In a perfect world, new board members are a…
Holding regular meetings is one of the most essential tasks of a co-op or condo board, because that’s where the building’s policy is formed, where business decisions related to the community are made and usually where administration of …
Sometimes, just getting two people to agree on what to have for dinner or what movie to see on a Saturday night can seem like an overwhelming task. Now imagine trying to get five, seven or nine people to make million-dollar decisions t…
Owning and managing real estate has many positives and negatives, requiring the performance of varied responsibilities and wearing of many different hats. Most of my clients typically view the insurance renewal process with a sense of …
Q I live in a self-managed co-op and we are getting conflicting information about whether co-ops can disallow roommates or not. We've heard that the board of directors has absolute decision making power over whether or not to allow room…
Q “My boyfriend and I live in a co-op apartment. The mortgage is in my name but he is listed as a co-resident of the apt. If we break up, is there a chance that we would have to sell the co-op to split the ownership of shares? What l…