2002 Jul
Focus on... Budget And Finance

Finance Borrowing Smart
2002 Jul Borrowing Smart

Most borrowers opt for fixed rate loans in today's low-interest market, but for those willing to embrace change and play the field a bit, still-cheaper rates are available. There are state-sponsored loans for making your building more e…

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Finance Minding Your Money
2002 Jul Minding Your Money

Board members have a number of responsibilities and face many different challenges - and managing the building's finances is chief among them. But since most board members aren't trained financial professionals, what is the best way to m…

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Finance Retracing The Six Steps
2002 Jul Retracing The Six Steps

When "A Six Step Program for Boards - Plan Ahead for a Healthy Financial Future" was published in The Cooperator back in 1996, very few boards were running their buildings like businesses, and even fewer had a long-range plan. While som…

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Law & Legislation The Jennifer Realty Case
2002 Jul The Jennifer Realty Case

On June 11, 2002, in one of the most significant court decisions affecting co-op and condo owners in recent years, the New York State Court of Appeals issued a ruling in the well-publicized case of 511 West 232 Street Owners Corp. v. Je…

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Design The Age of Aquariums
2002 Jul The Age of Aquariums

New York City has always been a sometimes hectic, stressful place to live and work, and now - perhaps more than ever - New Yorkers can use all the tranquility they can get. Short-term fixes like day spas and weekends at the shore can hel…

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Buying & Selling What's It Worth To You?
2002 Jul What's It Worth To You?

Everyone thinks their home looks like two million bucks, but in the world of banks and real estate agents, it takes a professional appraiser to prove it. Especially in the unique and ultra-competitive world of New York co-op and condo r…

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Maintenance What's My Line?
2002 Jul What's My Line?

Just about every working person, from the busboy at your favorite diner to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, works under a job description that outlines their duties and establishes responsibilities and boundaries of authority. Your bui…

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Finance Saving Electricity for You and Your Neighbors
2002 Jul Saving Electricity for You and Your Neighbors

New Yorkers certainly wouldn't want to spend their summer being stuck in a crowded elevator or a hot, steamy subway car with no lights or air conditioning, especially when the temperature climbs to around 100 degrees. That is not a plea…

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