Q Our management company just changed hands. The building records were shipped to the co-op, placed in a room across from the laundry and the rumor is that only the superintendent has the key. The other night when the new manager cam…
Category: Q&A
Q The board of our HDFC co-op is not fulfilling the needs of the building or maintaining its upkeep. The building structure is deteriorating, and the intercom system has not been working for over a year. Since the death of our last …
Q I’ve lived in my Manhattan co-op for nearly 20 years. We elected a new board president a little over a year ago, and in that short time our board has raised the monthly maintenance three times. Can a board just keep raising our ma…
Q My question concerns the various forms of compensation our building’s super receives and the shareholders’ right to know the exact sum of his monthly income, as an exact cost to the building. Our super has a fixed salary, which is di…
Q I am a member on the board of directors of a co-op in Nassau County, New York. We are experiencing a problem with a shareholder, who we believe regularly smokes “pot” and also entertains fellow smokers in his apartment. The odor pe…
Q Our cooperative board has approved a buyer for one of our units. The seller and prospective buyer have already gone to contract. There are presently a number of board members who have second thoughts about approving the buyer and w…
Q “A number of shareholders have raised questions about the management of the our co-op corporation. The board has been largely in place for 10 years, the managing agent for 20, and the board retains an attorney, who also served the …
Q “I am newly elected to the board of a small (32-unit), self-managed condominium, where traditionally there has been little transparency between the board of trustees and the unit owners. I have asked the board president several tim…
Q Our 200-unit condo association has seven delinquencies. Six of these cases have been delinquent for over a year. Liens are in place, and all are in the hands of our attorney for collection. Most are mortgaged past fair market value…
Q Do the shareholders in a New York City co-op have the right to obtain the tabulated results of a board of director’s election, rather than simply the names of the shareholders that won? If you are a shareholder who is running for th…