Category: Management

Management Coronavirus & COVID-19
March 20, 2020 Coronavirus & COVID-19

NOTE: The following is content submitted to The Cooperator from a professional contributor, and reflects that contributor's opinions, experience, and expertise.   As you can imagine, our office has been inundated with calls and emails con…

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Management Emergency Management
Emergency Management

Planning for a rainy day is pretty easy. Have an extra umbrella handy or a waterproof coat, and you’re probably fine. Planning for the rainiest day ever, on the other hand, is significantly more daunting. Especially if during that day there…

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Management Vulnerable Residents
March 20, 2020 Vulnerable Residents

Multifamily residential buildings provide both privacy and community. Privacy, because a recluse in New York City can have almost anything delivered to his door and thus never have to leave the sanctuary of his apartment; and community, bec…

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Management Major Building Construction Projects
Major Building Construction Projects

Most buildings will have to undergo some kind of exterior or facade-related work at some point in their useful lives - it's inevitable. But sometimes those projects can be noisy, dusty, and disruptive to not just the building being worked o…

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Management Small Building Challenges
Small Building Challenges

Like people, co-op and condo buildings come in all shapes and sizes, and have different personalities and tastes. Regardless of size however, all buildings face similar challenges – coping with ever-increasing numbers of deliveries, for exa…

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Management Updating Your Documents
2020 January Updating Your Documents

The governing documents of a housing development—be it a cooperative, condominium, or homeowners association—spell out the rules, regulations, and policies that all unit owners or shareholders are obligated to follow as a condition of their…

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Management The Evolution of Property Management
2020 January The Evolution of Property Management

Like so many other sectors of the economy, residential real estate management has changed and evolved since the turn of the millennium—and like those other sectors, much of that evolution is directly linked to the development and adoption o…

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Management Conflict in Client Communities
Conflict in Client Communities

Of all the skills a good property manager must possess, conflict management is high up on the list. Not just knowing how , but when to step in (or not) is part and parcel of helping boards and residents maintain harmony and quality o…

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