Category: Maintenance

Maintenance Who is Responsible?
1999 Jun Who is Responsible?

Imagine this. Your contractor has finally completed the renovations to your bathroom - taking three months rather than the three weeks he promised. The wallpaper, special order wall and flooring tile match perfectly, and although you excee…

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Exterior Don't Get Soaked!
1999 Jun Don't Get Soaked!

They say that April showers bring May flowers. For the New York area's aging brick buildings, spring sprinkles and summer storms can bring much worse. From interior leaks to the liability nightmare of a crumbling and falling facade, the eff…

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Maintenance Cover Story: Where Does All the Garbage Go?
1999 Jun Cover Story: Where Does All the Garbage Go?

There was a time not long ago when New Yorkers could throw just about anything away and not give it a second thought. But in the late 1980s, the federal government enacted strong environmental legislation, including the closure of many land…

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Maintenance Your Building's Superintendent
1999 Apr Your Building's Superintendent

If you had to name the single most valuable individual to your co-op or condo, who would it be? Certainly, your board president, managing agent, corporate counsel and accountant are key players. But boards and residents should never underes…

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Maintenance Maintenance Fees
1998 Nov Maintenance Fees

Cost of living increases can be felt everywhere, from the theatre to the supermarket to the gas station. So it may come as a surprise to many co-op and condo residents that one place you don't have to expect an increase is in your monthly m…

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Maintenance Reducing Water Costs
1998 Mar Reducing Water Costs

Management experts and others in the real estate industry are always cautioning their co-op and condo clients to keep an eye on the water consumption in their buildings. The water and sewage bill received quarterly from the New York City …

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Maintenance Garbage Disposers
1998 Feb Garbage Disposers

For most visitors to New York City, it is a mystery as to why garbage disposers (the popular term disposal derives from the GE brand name Disposall) have not been allowed in most neighborhoods. Despite the fact that these hardy kitchen ap…

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Maintenance Rooftop Decks
1998 Feb Rooftop Decks

For many New Yorkers one of the high points of city living is the urban vista they enjoy from their building's communal rooftop deck. Even when the view's not the greatest, just being able to enjoy the outdoors in a relatively private s…

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Maintenance Rooftop Water Tanks
1998 Dec/Jan Rooftop Water Tanks

New Yorkers love to brag about having the best-tasting drinking water in the country, although residents of high-rise buildings may not realize that their water makes an extra stop on its way from the reservoir. When high-rise residents t…

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