If you were walking down the street and spotted a $100 bill on the ground, would you stop and pick it up? Of course you would, and in the literal sense you could consider this $100 found money. Surprisingly, every day, many members of co-…

If you were walking down the street and spotted a $100 bill on the ground, would you stop and pick it up? Of course you would, and in the literal sense you could consider this $100 found money. Surprisingly, every day, many members of co-…
Co-op and condo boards, together with their professional managers, are responsible for their properties' financial well-being. Every financially-challenged property faces the same perils: an inability to meet ongoing expenses, the consequen…
Even at the most stately Park Avenue address, relocation is a frequent activity as apartments are bought and sold and sublet tenants or roommates move in and out. More than 100,000 people hire movers every year in New York City. But while…
Cooperative housing corporations are not exempt from income taxation. Like any other taxpayer, a housing cooperative must pay tax on its taxable income, i.e., its gross income less allowable deductions. Not all amounts that would seem to …
The City of New York, in its infinite wisdom, has classified properties into various categories. Class one properties consist of one-, two- and three-family homes and class two properties are multi-family residential properties including …
The certificate of incorporation, the proprietary lease (in some cases called occupancy agreements) and the by-laws are the three underlying documents that form the engine running your cooperative. The by-laws are considered by the courts…
If you've ever served on the board of a co-op or condo, the phrases capital improvements, emergency repair, asbestos remov- al and (these days, especially) lead paint abatement probably elicit particularly unpleasant associations. With ex…
With interest rates heading lower once again, now may be the ideal time to start hunting for a new underlying mortgage. But don't go off half-cocked. Board members who prepare well before entering the mortgage jungle always bag the bes…
Money. We all need it and want more of it. And just like any business your building needs to cover its expenses with its income. There are ways your building can make money without having to raise maintenance fees. Installing basement sto…
Earlier this year, a survey of co-ops and condos indicated a surge of litigation between boards and building residents. Such lawsuits can be very costly for both the resident and the building. One important deterrant to frivolous or unnec…