Boards -- whether co-op, condo, or HOA -- hire managers to handle the administrative, operational, and social sides of what can often be a tricky field. How much leeway a manager has to get the job done depends on several different variable…

Boards -- whether co-op, condo, or HOA -- hire managers to handle the administrative, operational, and social sides of what can often be a tricky field. How much leeway a manager has to get the job done depends on several different variable…
When a community association enters into a contract with a professional management company, board members may feel a sense of relief. After all, much of the burden of running the community's daily operations has now been transferred to (hop…
Nobody gets into property management thinking it's going to be an easy, totally stress-free career -- on the contrary, many pros get into the field precisely because they enjoy a challenge, and prefer that every day come with a new and diff…
While the average co-op shareholder or condo unit owner doesn't need to have an exhaustive knowledge of their building's governing documents, part of being an active, engaged member of a multifamily community is having at least some familia…
When a resident is, or appears to be struggling with mental health issues, knowing what to do or how to help can be a tough call. In this clip, two industry pros talk about boards' obligations - and limitations - when it comes to navigating…
Most co-op, condo, and HOA boards are made up of honest people who truly want to act in the best interest of their community -- but sometimes bad actors do wind up on boards, and sometimes even whole boards can be corrupt. In this short cli…
Most board members are not legal professionals. They're volunteers, and may have plenty of useful expertise, but when it comes to legal issues facing their building or HOA, it's easy to fumble - and those fumbles can be costly. In this clip…
Everyone wants to feel safe and secure in their homes -- but it's easy to get carried away and waste resources on over-the-top security measures that may not actually be warranted. In this segment, multifamily security pros discuss how they…
Every board is as different as the communities they serve; what works for a luxury high-rise on Park Avenue might not be such a good fit for a garden co-op in Queens, and vice versa. But no matter what kind of co-op or condo you call home, …
On Thursday, October 11th, thousands of board members, managers, building owners and co-op, condo, and HOA residents will gather at the Jacob K. Javits Center at 655 West 34th Street in Manhattan, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the second…