Thousands of board members, managers and building owners packed the aisles of the Hilton New York exhibit hall as The Cooperatorpresented its 28th Annual Co-op & Condo Expo, providing networking, informational and educational opportunities…

Thousands of board members, managers and building owners packed the aisles of the Hilton New York exhibit hall as The Cooperatorpresented its 28th Annual Co-op & Condo Expo, providing networking, informational and educational opportunities…
Co-ops and condos draw prospective residents with a wide variety of appealing features, from proximity to an office or family member to amazing views of the Manhattan skyline to the concept of having someone else mow the lawn, fix the roof…
Winter in New York is a magical time, filled with walks through dirt, grime and slush, exorbitant weather-induced dry cleaning bills, and excessive clothing accessories…often enough to shame Ralphie from A Christmas Story. Upon sprin…
These days, buying a new co-op or condominium might mean access not only to your dream home but also to the kind of high-end amenities that can transform a beautiful home into a spectacular one. At least that is the goal of developers and …
Being a member of a community means different things to different people. As such, when it comes to offering social programs and amenities, respective wants, needs and preferences can run the gamut. For board members and managers, having p…
Q Our building recently put in a gym. One board member has made himself the spokesman for the gym and emails our 80 members directly with cheerful updates and information. I have said that all communications to shareholders should come th…
“Two shareholders who were on the verge of moving out undertook a repair in their home on their own, not hiring a professionally licensed mason to conduct the repairs. They are now submitting a bill for personal reimbursement. The sharehold…