Admit it: We take elevators for granted. Like answering machines or calculators, elevators are one of those conveniences that are so woven into the texture of our lives that we're barely aware of them at all - that is, until they go on the…

Admit it: We take elevators for granted. Like answering machines or calculators, elevators are one of those conveniences that are so woven into the texture of our lives that we're barely aware of them at all - that is, until they go on the…
Selling your apartment in New York is serious business. If you're thinking of selling your co-op or condo, the question of where to even list the property for sale alone may be enough to keep you up nights, to say nothing of putting a fair…
So you've noticed your building's façade has lost its luster, or maybe the entryway needs a complete renovation. Before you rush out and hire the first contractor listed in the Yellow Pages, there are many aspects of repair and constructi…
When the term "service provider" is used in reference to real estate, usually people take it to mean laundry facility or storage-locker companies, or maybe the firm that runs your building's in-house fitness center. The term isn't often a…
For most co-op and condo owners, the question of whether or not their building's doorman or concierge or security guard is unionized is a non-issue - one that only comes up when lengthy contract negotiations loom on the horizon. The subtle…
Outdoor spaces like balconies, terraces, and roof decks can add a lot of charm and value to your building, as well as providing pleasant spots for residents and their families and guests to take the air and relax. It's just about now - as …
Winter is here, and it's time to shut the doors, seal the windows, and crank up the heat in a quest to stay toasty warm. Unfortunately, while you work hard to thwart the wintry weather on the outside, the air inside your building may be ge…
In the future, we might have molecular transporters or some other newfangled invention defying the laws of gravity, but for some 150 years, Elisha Graves Otis' method of transport - the elevator - has stood the test of time. Since th…
Getting around in New York City can be difficult, even at the best of times; traffic, crowds, construction, and inclement weather can all conspire against even the most able-bodied city-dweller. The situation can be more troublesome still …
If there was a fire in your building, are you confident that you and your family would be adequately warned, protected and saved? If you're not absolutely certain, consider this: last year, there were 27,788 structural fires in New York Ci…
Co-op boards make decisions for the good of all shareholders, not just one or two. Though board membership may be a selfless proposition, productivity results from a concerted effort to put duty first, with personal conflicts and interpers…
One of the main documents governing the majority of New York City's co-op buildings is the antithesis of the well-known Oldsmobile ad: it is your father's proprietary lease, and many of its parts are not exactly of-the-minute. Sponsors of …