If you live in, work in, or provide services for a co-op, condo, or HOA, you know that however harmonious a building or association is in general, there is often that one person—or perhaps more than one—who throws a wrench in the works. It …
Category: Management
CooperatorNews has been reporting on matters related to multifamily living, governance, and operations for the better part of four decades, expanding from the New York City metro area to various east coast, midwest, and western markets alon…
At the heart of every shared interest community is the person who makes it run. That person is known by many names: superintendent (or just ‘super’), building engineer, resident manager, community manager. Their duties and responsibilities…
Along with competent, engaged leadership, good management is fundamental to the successful operation of any shared interest community—and the basis of good management is in large part spelled out in the contract between the community and it…
CooperatorNews has been reporting on matters related to multifamily living, governance, and operations for the better part of four decades, expanding from the New York City metro area to various east coast, midwest, and western markets alon…
The data is in: striking a balance between our personal and professional lives is a key component of happiness and general wellbeing. But how does one do that when one’s job is potentially a 24/7 situation? Take multifamily residential man…
Shared residential communities such as co-ops, condos, and HOAs are modern examples of classic Athenian democracy: citizens governing themselves through active participation in governance. The key to that governance is the regularity of ele…
All over the news, from coast to coast, reports of fires and explosions caused by lithium-ion batteries describe blazes that are out of control, difficult to extinguish, and excessively smokey. Tragically, many have resulted in fatalities a…
In a typical co-op, condo, or homeowners association, residents have a lot to say about how their building or community is or should be functioning … but few actually step up to run for and serve on the board that does the actual governing.…
With cannabis use becoming increasingly normalized (as of this year, 38 states permit medical marijuana use and 23 permit both medical and recreational consumption), co-op and condo administrators are faced with yet another quality-of-life …