www.cooperator.com The Cooperator's New Home(page)

The Cooperator is proud to announce the launch of its new-and-improved Web site - www.cooperator.com - which went live this spring to deliver the same helpful, informative content contained in our print version, plus the entire contents of our popular annual Official Directory of Co-op and Condo Services, to an online audience. Now, you can read the current issue of The Cooperator, search our archives for past stories, access all our advertising partners (or become one yourself), subscribe online, and correspond with The Cooperator's editorial staff - all from the comfort of your own home or office, with the click of a mouse.Home Sweet Home

The Cooperator's revamped, re-imagined Home Page is more colorful, more dynamic, and easier to navigate than ever before. The page is your entryway into the site, and includes routes to subscription information - with a link you can click to sign up online and get The Cooperator delivered free to your doorstep every month - a general site directory, and table of contents for the current issue. The current month's issue of the magazine appears in full on the site about two weeks after the hard copy is delivered, with one-click access to full-length stories just as they appear in the print edition.

Yesterday's Cooperator, Today's Resource

Past editions of The Cooperator are in the Archives, from last month's edition to stories dating back several years. You can just type the topic you're interested in into the "search" field as a keyword or part of a phrase, and the site serves up all relevant archival information. For example, if you are a board member, an attorney, or even a building manager embarking upon a renovation project and you'd like to know what Cooperator articles are available regarding lead paint abatement, you can simply enter "lead" as your search term, or - if you want to be even more specific - you can narrow your search by using multiple keyword phrases like "lead paint law," or "lead hazards." The engine even gives you the option of searching articles containing "any word," "all words," or the "exact phrase" you entered, so you can cast your net as wide as you like. The site then serves up all the available material containing your search term, with the highlighted term or phrase in context to help you locate relevant articles and save time. Feel free to read the articles online, then print out the stories for future reference.

The Directory: Faster, Easier, and Electrified

The Cooperator's Official Directory of Co-op & Condo Services is now accessible on the site as well. From accountants to window repair specialists, you can find it all here, arranged in alphabetical order by industry, or searchable by business category ("air conditioning/HVAC," "air conditioning/maintenance," "air filtration," "air quality," et cetera.), or - if you already know the name of the company you're looking for - by specific business name. Just click on the service you need, and the site does everything short of placing the call for you. Contact information - including phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses, along with primary contacts within each selected company - is included with every Directory entry. If you own a business, the Directory is a simple-but-effective way to increase your visibility, both in print and now online.

Maximum Expo-sure

As you might expect, the Expo section of the new site gives you information about The Cooperator's annual Co-op and Condo Expo. The Expo is an opportunity for board members, service providers, shareholder/owners, and building support professionals to gather under one roof and benefit from each other's experience, advice, product lines, and services. Whether you're planning to attend as an exhibitor or a lay person, the Expo link on our Web site offers all the facts you need before hitting the Expo next spring, including what co-op/condo-related industries will be represented, and one-click links to the Expo's educational seminars. The Expo section toolbar gives you access to an online pre-registration form to attend the Expo, application agreement forms and price lists if you're a professional interested in being an exhibitor, advertiser, or underwriter, a floor plan of the New York Hilton's exhibit space, and a complete, regularly-updated list of the exhibitors who've already committed to a space at the show.

Become a Household Name

If you're a businessperson, the Advertising Information section of our new site can help you reach thousands of New York-area board members, shareholders/unit owners, managing agents, superintendents, and other industry professionals and get the word out about your products and services. This section outlines the benefits of advertising in the Directory, on the Web site, at the Expo, and in The Cooperator itself, and tells you how to make use of our mailing lists and insert your company literature inside The Cooperator. These ad inserts can be targeted to specific industry segments, like property managers or board presidents. You can extend your reach - literally - globally by advertising on our Web site in our Directory section. Your Web Directory listing can be specifically tailored to include not only your name, address and contact information but also a company logo, a hyperlinked Internet address or e-mail, and even your company profile. You can also review our advertising rates, mechanical specifications and the upcoming editorial calendar for The Cooperator so that you can determine the best advertising vehicle for you and your company. Advertising in The Cooperator has never been easier, and the tools to begin are at your fingertips at www.cooperator.com. You can even contact our advertising sales department to obtain article reprints for meetings, presentations, and research.

The Folks Behind it All

In the About Us section, surfers can learn more about The Cooperator and its parent company, Yale Robbins, Inc. This part of the site includes telephone, mailing, and e-mail contact information for the magazine, as well as a brief overview of the company, what it does, and its various other publications, including Office Buildings magazine, MrOfficeSpace.com, and the annual Manhattan Condo Book. These other publications and resources might even give you ideas on how to better serve your building, your clients, or your customers.

The Cooperator's new site on the World Wide Web will hopefully become as invaluable a tool as our monthly print edition is in providing timely advice, information, and news about the New York metro co-op/condo scene. n

Hannah Fons is Associate Editor for The Cooperator.

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  • I find a lot of interesting information in the Q & A section. Are there links for these section? I would like to save some of them for future review.
  • Deborah Koplovitz answers a senior citizen about his concerns about maintenance getting too high for him to pay on a fixed income. Unortunately, she suggests that he consider a reverse mortgage, still not available for coop owners.
  • I live in a condo community and we have an on site property manager. He told me he won't take my calls anymore, that I would have to go to the meetings if I have questions. I call maybe once a month, if that. I am unable to attend the meetings due to my work schedule. He does not have a web site for e-mails , no newsletter, and says we have to pay for the meeting minutes. We have had sidewalks put in, 2 water main breaks in front of my unit, and some new landscaping. My questions have been short and important to me as well as other homeowners. I used to be on the board, so my neighbors ask me alot of quetions. It seems he likes to keep everyone in the dark, as to what's going on. Is this all legal?? (about refusing to take my calls, he said the board requested this.
  • does every property manager get paid by the insurance broker the management firm makes the coop use?
  • In the annual shareholders meeting, it's the cuorum calculated by the number of shares that where present or by the number of appartments?