The Cooperator Events presents: Reserves to the Rescue? - Preserving Your Community's Physical and Financial Health A Virtual Town Hall Sponsored by Association Reserves

The Cooperator Events presents: Reserves to the Rescue? - Preserving Your Community's Physical and Financial Health

The Cooperator Events presents A Virtual Town Hall Reserves to the Rescue? - Preserving Your Community's Physical and Financial Health, Sponsored by Association Reserves.

Thursday June 18, 2020 at 2:00 PM


With many associations experiencing higher than normal assessment delinquencies, concern about the short-term financial health of their communities is weighing heavily on boards and managers across the country. The Reserve Fund is a powerful financial resource that can be used to help an association survive a temporary cash flow disruption without sacrificing the future - but it must be done with caution and care. Join us and our expert panelists for guidance on this important subject, including how the business judgment rule protects board decisions, how to preserve cash by reprioritizing expenses, how to reallocate cash borrowed from your reserves, how to take advantage of 'softer' vendor pricing to save money, and how to quickly restore borrowed reserve funds.


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