Q&A: Our water tastes funny - what should we do?

Q&A: Our water tastes funny - what should we do?

Q. I live in an Upper East Side co-op whose water tank was recently replaced. Since the water was turned back on, I’ve noticed that there has been a distinctive odor and taste to the water. It could best be described as a mild cleanser but I’m not about to speculate as to what it is.  I am concerned about the safety of the water for drinking or cooking and am not sure how to ascertain this. Is there something that management or I can do? Do I have to report it?

                                —Water Worries

A. “This is a common complaint many people have when their systems are changed out,” says Philip Kraus, president and CEO of Fred Smith Plumbing & Heating in Manhattan. “ If people are concerned, they should have the water tested. There are two kinds of tests: One is a water bacteriological test and the second is the Federal Safe Drinking Water test. Usually there’s nothing wrong with the water. But if there is a concern, then they should have the water tested.”

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