Recycling is good for the environment - everyone knows that. But it can be a pain keeping track of the changes - one year it doesn't include glass or plastics, the next, glass and plastics are back; one year, you recycle newspapers, the ne…

Recycling is good for the environment - everyone knows that. But it can be a pain keeping track of the changes - one year it doesn't include glass or plastics, the next, glass and plastics are back; one year, you recycle newspapers, the ne…
It began last August with noncompliance with energy regulations in Ohio, and within hours, much of the Eastern Seaboard - including the city that never sleeps - came to a standstill. Although some areas of the city recovered power faster t…
When people are charged for energy based on how much they use individually, good habits tend to follow. When you pay for electricity based on your usage, you're more likely to make sure that the lights are turned off when you leave a room,…
The billing system used by New York City's Water Board - an autonomous, seven-member panel appointed by the mayor to set rates for the city's water and sewer services - has long been grounds for heated debate. As of the late 1980s, the cit…
Building owners, managers and even superintendents are always on the lookout for ways to trim their operating budget's bottom line. Electricity and fuel costs continue to climb year after year and identifying cost savings in this area can …
In many buildings, the roof isn't just a protective covering to fend off the elements, but also a luxurious amenity where residents enjoy patio gardens and perhaps even lounge and socialize with neighbors. However, when celebrated ar…
It's not uncommon for co-op and condo buildings to lease that empty space on their ground floor to commercial tenants - usually restaurants, retail stores, or small professional offices. While commercial tenants' rent can add to a building'…
The New York City Department of Finance (DOF) utilizes income and expense information to estimate a property's market value, which in turn is used to calculate the real estate taxes levied thereon. The DOF culls this information from a var…
Brooklyn's Community Board 6 - which covers Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, the Columbia Street District, Red Hook, Gowanus and Park Slope - may be one of the most diverse community boards in the city. Its images range from fishermen an…
Every year, co-ops and condos in New York City pay millions of dollars in utility expenses, including electric, water/sewer, gas, and steam. Are you certain your building is paying the correct amount? What if it isn't? Without an expert au…
In New York City, electricity is a lot like Chinese food. It's ubiquitous, available for delivery right to your home, and is made with lots and lots of oil. But unlike a good Chinese restaurant, Con Edison, the electricity provider for alm…
Lots of people talk about the stress and uncertainty of the approval process in New York City's co-op and condo buildings; all that scrutiny, all that paperwork! But the endless reams of forms and files take another toll as well - on the e…
Eligible co-op boards facing skyrocketing maintenance charges due to rising energy costs can seek assistance from the New York Energy Smart Assisted Multifamily Program (AMP), administered by the New York State Energy Research and Developm…
To conserve power to help avoid a blackout, the power industry recommends: In heating season, set the furnace thermostat at 68 degrees or lower. In cooling season, set the thermostat at 78 degrees or higher. Most power is used …