Category: Real Estate Trends

Real Estate Trends So What's New in New York?
2004 Mar So What's New in New York?

If you've noticed a lot of new scaffolding and safety netting going up throughout the city, you may be onto something. 2003 and 2004 are setting up to be substantial years for new residential development. The very nature of developmen…

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Real Estate Trends A Year of Mega-Mergers
2004 Mar A Year of Mega-Mergers

The last couple of years have been big ones for the residential real estate industry here in the city; not just in terms of square feet moved and dollars made, but in terms of mergers and acquisitions among some of New York's biggest, most…

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Real Estate Trends Braving the Elements
2003 Apr Braving the Elements

On March 6th, The Cooperator hosted its 16th annual Co-op and Condo Expo at the New York Hilton at 53rd Street and Avenue of the Americas in Midtown Manhattan. The event has become a showcase for tri-state vendors, management agenci…

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Real Estate Trends Living Downtown
2003 Mar Living Downtown

Eventually, Manhattan's lower tip could have an economically diverse population, a variety of new retail shops to service them, and more green space. If things go as Mayor Michael Bloomberg hopes, that is. Today, the region's weekday stree…

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Real Estate Trends You Can Go Home Again
2003 Mar You Can Go Home Again

As we head towards the second quarter of 2003, the world is a very different place than it was at the turn of this new century. Back then, New York City was riding high on the crest of the "New Economy," toasting success in a rocket-fuele…

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Real Estate Trends Let's Go Expo
2003 Feb Let's Go Expo

Once again, the time is drawing near to mark your calendars and program your Palm Pilots to remind you of The Cooperator's annual Co-op and Condo Expo, which is descending on Midtown's New York Hilton, 53rd Street and Avenue of the America…

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Real Estate Trends Supersize Me!
2003 Dec/Jan Supersize Me!

Here in the land of birdfeeder-sized apartments (otherwise known as New York City), people will do just about anything for more space. And while sordid tales of deception and skullduggery abound, there are some legitimate means of expan…

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Real Estate Trends Let's Go Expo
2003 Dec/Jan Let's Go Expo

Once again, the time is drawing near to mark your calendars and program your Palm Pilots to remind you of The Cooperator's annual Co-op and Condo Expo, which is descending on Midtown's New York Hilton, 53rd Street and Avenue of the America…

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