The Cooperator Events Presents: Invisible Threats - Protecting Your Community's Information from Hacks & Cyber Fraud A Virtual Town Hall Sponsored by Czarnowski & Beer LLP

The Cooperator Events Presents: Invisible Threats - Protecting Your Community's Information from Hacks & Cyber Fraud

The Cooperator Events Presents A Virtual Town Hall: Invisible Threats - Protecting Your Community's Information from Hacks & Cyber Fraud.  Sponsored by Czarnowski & Beer LLP.

Thursday June 17, 2021 at 2:00PM EST


As companies, individuals, and communities increasingly conduct business online, the issue of cybersecurity and data theft has become increasingly urgent. Recent data breaches at property management companies have exposed hundreds of co-op and condo residents' most sensitive information - including social security numbers, passport IDs, and home addresses - and raised questions about liability, confidentiality, and who gets access to a community's private information. Join this expert panel for an in-depth look at the risks and vulnerabilities facing multifamily communities online, and how your board-management team can be proactive in protecting your own data and information.


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