Changing the Rules Altering Bylaws in Co-ops and Condos

Changing the Rules

When you're on the board of a co-op or condo building, sometimes it can feel like you need a law degree to understand all of the paperwork that gets thrown at you. Depending on where you live, there are bylaws and proprietary leases and house rules and everything in between. And like any thriving growing community, sometimes rules and laws need to change with the times. But how often can these documents be changed? Who changes them? Do the owners or shareholders have any say in these changes?

Know the Rules

First, while they sound similar, it's important to understand the difference between some of these documents. For the most part, it all comes down to whether your place of residence is a condominium or a cooperative.

According to Neil Garfinkel, an attorney with Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP in Manhattan, bylaws in a co-op dictate how the corporation operates-- in that regard, they're very different from the bylaws in a condominium. The documents that tell the people in a co-op what they can and can't do in respect to living in the building are the house rules and the proprietary lease.

"However," says Garfinkel, "the bylaws in a condominium are the rules and regulation the condo owners are governed by; they are set up to protect the interest of the owners."

The condominium bylaws are a self-governing document for the association. This covers board member qualifications and the direction of the board of directors, including how it administers policies according to the bylaws and how it oversees the maintenance and administration of the association. The bylaws will also cover meetings, voting, proxies, budget, assessments, including special assessments, insurance coverage, and restrictions on the use of the units and the common areas. For example, condominium bylaws will state whether or not unit owners can own pets; but the cooperative owner's proprietary lease will state the rules of pet ownership.

Changing the Rules

Now that you have graduated from Bylaws 101, what are some legitimate reasons to change a bylaw or set of bylaws? While most building bylaws are written thoughtfully and with the entire building community in mind, the fact remains that at some point, most buildings find it necessary to review their bylaws and change them if they're obsolete, unenforceable, or universally disliked.

"There are some common reasons for changing bylaws," says Paul Herman, managing director of Rose Associates, a management consulting firm in New York. "In a cooperative, you may want to change the maintenance requirements, or the board of directors requirements, or the flip tax (for transferring a unit). In a condo, the association can change bylaws to address such issues as a change in voting procedures, special assessments or the term of the board.

If several provisions of the bylaws are being considered for amendment, perhaps it's time to review the entire document, rather than approaching it piecemeal. According to attorney Robert Meisner, a member of the College of Community Association Lawyers and adjunct professor in community association law at Michigan State University Law School and Cooley Law School, your board should consider how long it's been since the bylaws were created, and how many laws have been passed or changed since then. He also suggests that you ask the following questions before deciding to change your bylaws:

  • Would you like to improve unit resale marketability and real estate appreciation, and strengthen the building against potential legal challenges and financial liabilities that could be thwarted through good document provisions?
  • Do you have financial difficulties caused by delinquent assessments, inadequate budget or reserves, or non-recoverable attorney fees incurred in pursuing bylaw infractions, and bylaws that do not seem to provide any remedies or a roadmap for relief?
  • Do your bylaw provisions seem to be contrary to public policy, such as prohibiting the flying of the American flag, prohibiting family day care homes, allowing transient tenants, or discriminating against children or single people?
  • Do you have problems such as parking, pet issues including waste and leashes, common elements not being properly maintained, satellites and antennas indiscriminately erected, and bylaws that do not provide remedies, direction or relief?
  • Do you have trouble getting residents and shareholders to attend meetings, satisfying the quorum requirements, passing votes on important issues, getting people to volunteer for (or stay on) the board?
  • Do you have documents that lack reasonable notice or quorum requirements, or lack the protective indemnification, limitation of director and officer liability, and the director and officer insurance coverage provisions?
  • Are there clear procedures in your bylaws for dealing with insurance proceeds, building funds, eminent domain and other factors that serve to protect the owners' collective investment?
  • Do your bylaws contain outdated provisions regarding the sponsor's rights, and references to governmental agencies or governmental documents which may have been abolished, or an unenforceable and potentially discriminatory right of first refusal unit resale provision?
Carved in Stone?

Flexible as they can be, however, individual bylaws already written can't just be changed on a whim. For example, in a recent Washington Post column, attorney Benny L. Kass, explains that if renting is already permitted in a building's bylaws, the board cannot pass a rule that prohibits owners from leasing out their units.

"However," says Kass, "the board can impose reasonable restrictions. For example, the board could require that all owners and tenants sign an addendum to their leases stating that the tenant has been provided a copy of the association documents and that the tenant agrees to abide by those documents.

"The board could also require that the landlord and tenant acknowledge that the board of directors can take legal action against a tenant for violations of the association legal documents," Kass continues, "Or the board could require that the landlord and tenant agree that if the landlord is not paying the condominium fee, the tenant would upon demand pay his rent directly to the association, instead of to the landlord."

The Residents' Say

Once a bylaw needs to be changed, a consensus needs to held and a certain percentage of shareholders must agree on the change to make it official. "The bylaws are going to set forth what kind of consensus you need," says Garfinkel. "Generally, it's a two-thirds vote. In cooperatives, voting can be done two different ways: it can be based on the number of shares that you own or it can be based on the number of unit owners, but again this information will already be in the bylaws."

Typically the board of directors initiates the process of a bylaw change, but if you are a shareholder or individual who wants to express a concern, you can attend the annual meeting, wave your flag and start a change at the grassroots level. If others feel the same way you do, you can also gather a group of shareholders together and call a special meeting.

If the board of directors initiates a bylaw change, it will hold an informational meeting or circulate the proposal to the shareholders--again, it depends on what the bylaws already say they must do. Anyone interested in attending the special meeting to voice his approval or disapproval of the change can do so. Some associations then have a vote at the annual meeting, while others call a special meeting solely to vote on the proposed amendment.

One such example of how bylaws can be changed occurred in a luxury condo building on Manhattan's Upper East Side. A prospective purchaser had a criminal record--he was convicted of a crime that involved a gun. Since the board had the right of first refusal, the board rejected the purchaser and received a vote from two-thirds of the unit owners that they could in the future reject purchasers convicted of gun-related crimes. Although this was a very unusual case, it shows how the condominium owners can change bylaws.

"Typically we advise our board that if they are going to change something and it will be considered controversial, we would strongly urge the board to go to the shareholders and not rely solely on the powers they were given," says Herman.

"Bylaws generally don't change all that much though," says Garfinkel. "They are pretty standard from corporation to corporation and it's more likely that they will review a proprietary lease in a cooperative."

"Many of these problems can be protected against, avoided and/or significantly reduced through the adoption of the proper bylaw amendments," says Meisner.

"There is an art to getting these documents approved, but it can be done through careful planning and board dedication."

Lisa Iannucci is a freelance writer living in Poughkeepsie, New York.

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  • We would like to change the condominium bylaws to state that penthouse monthly dues are more than the standard units' fees.
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  • i live in coop n there is no renting to out siders but a neighbor is doing so she lives in aparment our by laws say if you are destatued you can she holds a job she wants only cash from her renters our board is not doing there job can you help me with some information
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  • the mintance fee,s are to high
  • My I read what the answer to my above question on changing the by-laws to change a co-op by lawss from a no pet park to a pet park.
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  • cynthis j yamaji-glueck on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 7:10 PM
    Is it mandatory to file an amendment of the by laws in a co-op with the attorney general
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  • I live in Berrien Springs MI & I was wondering if anybody knows what the weight limit on dogs are for a mobile home park?
  • My husband and I Have brought a condo about five years ago We were told we are allowed to have dogs I found out we were not Able to It was in the past law were allowed and we are not able to have a dog ..most units have cat we rather have a dog what can we do to chang the law . One person on the Association bord dose not want dog
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  • Does a condo association need to go through a lawyer to add something to the bylaws if there is the required percent of approval of the owners
  • I am in a condo and the tenants have two dogs and our rules say you are only allowed to have one. Their floors are not sound proofed and make constant noise running back and forth. They refuse to get rid of one of the dogs, and have been sent various letters. What can be done? The board seems no help..
  • I live in a condo. The board has violated the some of the bi-laws (two board members). We need new windows. they will only allow Anderson windows, there is no money in the assoc budget to buy them, so each owner is responsible. We would like to purchase wallside windows. The board let one homeowner buy wallside windows. They now say they made a 'mistake', and everyone else must purchase Anderson windows? Some of us think they have now set a new standard, and the bi-law is void? Yes, or no?
  • There is only one tenant in our coop unit that is being held to the bylaws. The board members have been violation members rights by running a 2 member board. How can only one individual fight to have an unbiased board appointed do to gross misrepresentation by the board and the property management company. I have had to make a civil complaint, but nothing has changed much. Still only two members of the board control and do things outside what the bylaws, articles, and house rules state. Because of my persistence, they are trying to have me removed from the membership. Who can help and advise.
  • Our Coop board has begun a "laundry use fee" on renters over and above our existing "transfer fee". This appears contrary to Florida Coop statute s.719.106(1()i) which prohibits anything other than a transfer fee on renters--based solely on the approval of the transfer itself. Illegal?
  • See all of the above questions, but no responses. Have some questions of my own, but I do not understand how this site works. Please advise. Thanks
  • Our Condo Board changes its rules by a Board Vote that now only allows owners to have a dog in their unit and not renters or guests. How do we know this is legal and what are our rights since it was not voted on?
  • The board has changed the rules and regulation for their personal attack of home owners and they have been on the board for 9 years with holding new elections.
  • our board has had the management company devise an addendum to add to a rental lease. the addendum gives the management company the right to notify tenants to vacate a unit if they do not adhere to the bylaws of the building. Is this legal?
  • I got 75% vote to permanately change parking when 2 people agree. My son and I agreed, his condo is being sold Monday, my association presidet says we can not make the change, I followed the 1976 Dockets, that allow this, It was preseted to the board prior to the vote. What do I do.
  • if in the bylaws tenants are allowed to use visitor parking. The problem is now we have no visitor parking. one unit actually has up to 4 cars in visitor parking. every unit has a garage and garage pad. how do we change this bylaw.
  • 75 % quorum, can not get 30 % how to change to lower %
  • @barry, you'd have to change the bylaws of the corporation, which would most likely mean that you would have to get a supermajority of shareholders to approve. If you are having an issue for a quorum, you may have an issue with the approval of this vote as well.
  • live in coop where we have not had a quorum in three years. We tried to get shareholders involved and they refuse to get out in vote. They hand the proxies into the office and that is it. What can we do when one has a conflict of interest running the corporation and people are afraid to stand up out of fear?
  • The lawyer at the Florida condo I live, indicates that HUD dept does not know the law, when it comes to "reasonable accommodations" how is this possible.
  • Is it possible to make a one-time exception to the by-laws, with all shareholder's approval, without actually changing the by-laws?
  • Our rules state that when a unit owner rents out their unit they forfeits the rights to social privileges in the park and thrn in their badge untill the renter leaves one director is letting the owner come into the park can he over ride the rule by himself. This is in Palm Beach fl. Thanks
  • Is a 100% approval requeired to make a change to the HOA rules & regulations or just a quorum?
  • I reside in condominiums in chatham township nj. Despite the fact the governing by laws state the parking of commercial vehicles is restricted to a specific area, the respective property management is permitting it as their is a 'connection" between board staff and respective offender. This is the world we live in currently...anything goes
  • How does an HOA register changes in bylaws?
  • I have owned my condo since 2003 all other units were purchased after that time. Before I moved in I asked if I could have a dog and if I could smoke in my unit. There was nothing in the bylaws stating otherwise. So I bought. Now the board decided they want to go non smoking and no pets. Wouldn't I be grandfathered in?
  • Can we change a by-law with a majority of signatures'? or does it require an election?
  • Once a bylaw amendment has been voted on an defeated, can a board elect to hold the vote open for up to one year to try and garner the votes necessary to pass the amendment. Also if this board forgets to make a motion to hold this vote open for one year, can they subsequently call another meeting for the same purpose one month later, and this time again hold the vote open for one year?
  • Carole Desjardins on Sunday, April 3, 2016 5:16 PM
    Hi, I realised recently an amendment in our condo By-Laws that exclude part-time residents to be elected on the board. Am I correct saying this amendment is discriminatory ? Can we retreive this amendment for this reason? If so how? Do we need a lawyer?
  • At our annual meeting, the membership voted to allow all children to swim any time during the week of a holiday and all summer. We are a 55 community. All home owners 314 just received a notice that the board took in upon there selves to change the rule that was voted on and approved by the home owners. They are saying that children can not swim between certain hours. Is this legal?
  • TO RENA HOGGARTH: If you're going to smoke in your unit, don't get a dog!
  • Can the board change house rules without a vote . The condo declaration states no pets in or un any property of the condominium upon approval of the board in writing . The house rules were changed from no pets to pets allowed and 2 per unit by the board without a vote or meeting. Can this be done without having a vote
  • What happens when a condo Board does not support (opposes) common rules & regulations for the whole of the association? They are reluctant to place the interests of unit owners above their personal interests.
  • The president of the board holds two positions and his wife holds another. Their friend holds the last position. We had an election yesterday and two men gave their speech for running for office and they lost. The problem is can the president hold two positions even after we had an election with two individuals running?? . He told us about the 3 positions available, however he was keeping the treasurer but president was up for grabs, which to my understanding means the man was running alone was an automatic shoe in? The other man ran against the presidents wife and lost, which I feel is legal. I read in Michigan state housing development authority act of 1966 that no one gets paid to hold a position. Is that correct???
  • I live in a coop that does not allow renting. I have tried to sell it but most people are not interested because they cannot rent it. Is there anyway I can change the bylaws. The original buyers were able to rent. I don't know what to do. Do you have any suggestions. Thank you
  • Our assoc.due are too expensive it used to be $50.00 now its $100.00 and no work have been done to these homes since 1998 2000 I stop paying full assoc.dues I only pay for trash pic/up and yard work.and I pay $975.00 yr for windstorm and fire ins.with assoc. (that's high to me)there wanting to take me to court????
  • 100 is high?! Where is your condo.....I am moving there. Count your blessings, ours are just shy of 600. No condos are ever that inexpensive. If anyone needs a new septic, a new well, a new roof need a reserve.
  • I put in a request to put up two privacy fences on each end of my patio in my back yard. The Architect Review Board approved my request, however when it was submitted to the Board for their approval they "tabled" the request. 2 weeks passed and I asked if a decision has been made about my request. They said they would address it at the March meeting which is 60 days from my original request. However in our By-Laws it states that if a request is made and it has not be approved or disapproved within 30 days then the request is automatically approved. Does the 30 days trump a "tabled" issue?
  • My husband and I purchased a unit in a 400 condo assoc that is a transient unit. The company that originally built the development planned on 4 of the floors to be managed by a Marriott or Hilton and set them up as transient. Meaning rented nightly. The developer went under and a new company bought the development. So the units on these 4 floors are all transient and the rest are all residents (min 6 month rentals). The transient units are taxed higher and generate more income than the residental units. Can the condo assoc revoke the transient units and make them 6 month min rentals like the residental units? We bought them as investment opportunities. Even if I am grandfathered in my resale value will be hurt because the new buyer will not be able to rent as transient. Can they do this?
  • I am part of a (2) Building Condo Association in MO. In 2016 the bylaws were changed. They went to 4 directors (2) for each building. In thee case of a tie vote 2-2 the president cast the deciding vote. In order for a director to become president the officers vote each year. From 2016 to 2019 the office of president was past between the buildings so each building had a director as president and was able to cast the tie breaking vote. There was nothing in the bylaws the required the building to alternate the presidency between building is was done in "good Faith) In 2019 the president of one of the building broke with tradition and used her 2 votes to keep the presidency in her building. Now we have a situation where the interest of the owners in one of the building is being ignored and all the decisions are being made by the directors of one building. In other words nothing can get done or even brought to the table without the other building officers agrrewing to it. Each year the president also cast her vote to elect the other director in her building by cast her tie breaking vote. As it stand now this could go on forever and it is causing a major problem between the building owners. Anything the other building directors want they can get regardless of the other building directors vote. Including expendetures, hire of the assoction lawyer, election of president, repairs, contacts, bids etc.... Can bylaws that give all the control to one building's directors in a multi building association be seen as non compliant with the Commercial Code? There is a big advantage to have all the control in one building. The owners in that building get all their repairs and request granted while the other owners can't even get the request on the table. Because of this it will be hard to get a 2/3 majority to override the board and force a change to the bylaws Please let me know your thoughts. We are hoping to petition to change the bylaws and stop the practice of having the president cast the tie breaking vote. We are looking to bring on another director was a 3rd party nonbiased professional who does not live in the building but could help us make decisions when the board members have a tie vote. What do you suggest?
  • I live in a condominium community. I currently serve on the board. We have a neighbor that served during the Vietnam war, he flies the American Flag but also the POW Flag just below it. Here in Florida you're allowed to display the American Flag all year round. But the POW Flag can only be displayed on certain times of the year. After his time served, the POW flag has very strong meaning to him. Out of respect for POWs and MIA service members, he wishes to fly this flag all the time. But it seems our Association made him take it down. My question is: Can there be an exception to the rule so that the Association could grant his request to display the flag all year long?
  • Approximately 7 years ago a new BOT was formed and due to some c/o's about the old board from one board member. A new group of four additional members making the BOT total increase from three to five. We have 25 Units in our association. Since this new board we have incurred a huge amount of debt without any input really. We went to as annual meeting thinking we were goint to discuss sa impending assessment of $80K and found out the the Management Co and Trustees took a loan out for 150K even though we complained about the 80K prior. This is constanct and I blame the owners as the did not say anything at the time and it went fourth. It is very hard to get people involved and god klnow I tried. The straw came when the informed us that they were seeking to take out another loan for 125K not even 2 years after the 150K loan and two years of condo fees totalling 200K for a total of 350 K gone in under two years. The trustees changed their terms even though we voted it down and extended their terms. Got proxies and kept people off the BOT. Finally the owners came together and stopped the 120K but still had an assessment 50K. It is so frustrating because unless you spend your own money we are stuck and lawyers and management do not care all they care about is getting their checks.
  • Co-op boards have the right to reject buyers without having to provide a reason to the seller for the rejection. doesn't this open the door to racism and discrimination? How can this be stopped? Is there a governing law that can change this? Rentals by law cannot discriminate against race, disability, sexual orientation. Why are coops not regulated in this way? I had a financially qualified buyer for my apartment. She went to the interview and she said she thought it went well. It didn't last long but mine didn't either when I purchased the unit. Then I was notified by the management company that the board rejected her. I suspect that it could be a few reasons: because she is a single woman or because she is Asian American. The building is majority white owners. Her financials indicate that she makes more than enough to support the costs, she is gainfully employed and was putting a down payment of 50%. I find it incredible that she isn't qualified. Any recourse for her or myself? It is really an unfair set-up.
  • Lorraine schreiner on Friday, August 6, 2021 7:45 AM
    In Florida is it the responsibility of the association to make repairs on the outer walls and windows of a condo when there is water intrusion coming from outside in through the concrete and through the window frames If so are they responsible for the damage it caused inside your home