Page 14 - NY Cooperator July 2019
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14 THE COOPERATOR   —JULY 2019  COOPERATOR.COM  Disclaimer:    e answers provided in this Q&A   column are of a general nature and cannot   substitute for professional advice regarding your   speci  c circumstances. Always seek the advice of   competent legal counsel or other quali  ed profes-  sionals with any questions you may have regard-  ing technical or legal issues.  BACK OFFICE SERVICES  THE BACK OFFICE, Inc. (212) 889-1824  For self-managed Co-ops, Condos , Property Managers  Billing • Payables • Collections • General Ledger  Budgets • Delinquencies • Monthly Financials  WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU  469 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10018  110 E. 42nd Street, 17th Floor  New York, New York 10017  Robert J. Braverman, Scott S. Greenspun  (212) 682- 2900  Braverman Greenspun, P.C.   Tane Waterman & Wurtzel, P.C.  All aspects of Co-op & Condo  Representation including Litigation  120 Broadway, NY, NY 10271 (212) 766-4000  e-mail: •  ATTORNEYS  Abrams Garfi nkel Margolis Bergson, LLP  1430 Broadway,  17th Floor, New York, NY 10018  212-201-1170 •  Barry G. Margolis, Esq. • Robert J. Bergson, Esq.  Himmelfarb & Sher, LLP • (914) 682-0040  Cooperative and Condominium Law—Real Estate Closings  One North Broadway, Suite 800, White Plains, NY 10601    Contact: Ronald A. Sher, Esq. • Norman D. Himmelfarb, Esq. • Direct Dial: 914-461-0220  Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP  Specializing in all aspects of Cooperative and Condominium  Law including Landlord/tenant proceedings.  Copy of Monthly Newsletter available upon request.  (212) 867-4466 contact: Aaron Shmulewitz/Daniel Altman  Wagner Berkow, LLP.  1410 Broadway, 23rd Fl, New York, NY  • 646-780-7272  •  Commercial, Corporate and Real Estate Litigation   • Real Estate Leases and Landlord-Tenant Disputes   •  Residential and Commercial Real Estate   • Refi nancing and Mortgage Workouts • Bankruptcy Proceedings   • Corporate, Commercial and Business Law  • Hospitality Law   • Internet Defamation •  Loft Law Matters  Contact: Steven R. Wagner  •  M  ARCUS  OSENBERG   R D  IAMOND   LLP  Three decades of Co-op & Condo representation  488 Madison Avenue  New York, New York 10022  212.755.7500  www.  mrdllp  .com  M  ARCUS  OSENBERG   R  &    IAMOND  D  LLP  A full service real estate law firm serving   the cooperative and condominium community   Eric M. Goidel, Esq.  (212)431-1300, Ext.438  Manhattan: 377 Broadway l New York, NY 10036│(212) 431-1300   Queens: 108-18 Queens Blvd│Forest Hills, NY 11375│(718) 263-6611  SERVICE DIRECTORY  Helping your Board with legal issues   Answering Questions - Solving Problems  Cooperative and Condominium Law  Residential - Commercial Real Estate   One North Broadway-Suite 800   White Plains, NY 10601  email:  website:    Contact: Ronald A. Sher, Esq.,   Norman D. Himmelfarb, Esq.  Tel: (914) 682-0040 Direct Dial: (914) 461-0220  Condata Accounting and Consulting LLC  Provide back office services for self-managed   Co-ops, Condos, Property Managers  • Account Receivables • Payables   • Collections • Budgets • Monthly Financials  PREP FOR BOARD MEETINGS  150 Broadway, Suite 1710, NY 10038  (212) 233-1460 �  ACCOUNTANTS  ARCHITECTS  architecture  interior design  engineering  project management  forensic investigations  307 7th Avenue, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10001  Tel. 212.645.3775 Fax. 212.645.4099  Form Space Image ARCHITECTURE PC    Over 30 years of coop & condo experience    Hands on Personal Attention  Timely Service    Contact:  Gary Adler, CPA    Sarah Haar CPA      516-485-9600  Ad for “Architects”            511 Canal Street #302                             New York, NY 10013     FISP Reports • Specs • Plans • Construction Admin   Façade Repair • Roofing & Window Replacement   Condition Assessment • Green Roof Design   Tel: 212 274 0056  Email:  Ad for “Consulting Engineers”            511 Canal Street #302                             New York, NY 10013     Façade Repair • Roofing & Window Replacement   Condition Assessment • Green Roof Design   Interior Renovation • Code Review • LPC Filing    Tel: 212 274 0056  Email:  Ad for “Architects”            511 Canal Street #302                             New York, NY 10013     FISP Reports • Specs • Plans • Construction Admin   Façade Repair • Roofing & Window Replacement   Condition Assessment • Green Roof Design   Tel: 212 274 0056  Email:  Ad for “Consulting Engineers”            511 Canal Street #302                             New York, NY 10013     Façade Repair • Roofing & Window Replacement   Condition Assessment • Green Roof Design   Interior Renovation • Code Review • LPC Filing    Tel: 212 274 0056  Email:  CONSULTING ENGINEERS  NYC and the Hamptons  Contact: Marc A. Chifferty, P.E.  CPA SERVICES  Cavalcante & Company, LLC    212-675-6773 •  Providing Auditing and Tax Services to  NYC Cooperatives & Condominium Associations     Jayson Prisand, CPA | Robert A. Mellina, CPA |  516-348-7800  Prisand, Mellina, Unterlack & Co., LLP  ELECTIONS  Honest Ballot  • (718) 279-8683  condos, co-ops, associations, unions, lotteries,   online voting/electronic voting machine  HONEST BALLOT HAS LONGEVITY WITH OVER 100 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE •  Specializing in audit services to the   NY Co-op & Condo Community  Darren Newman, CPA • 516-364-0700 •  Newman, Newman & Kaufman, LLP  Marin & Montanye LLP  Serving the NYC Coop/Condo   Community for over 50 years  RICHARD MONTANYE, CPA    www.  (516) 625-3700 •(212) 476-5214 • (718) 347-8600  Sax LLP • (212) 661-8640  551 Madison Ave.,12th Floor, New York, NY 10022  Providing audit and tax preparation services  Contact: Clifford Romain, CPA  147 Prince St, Bk, NY 11201  (718) 489-9579  ROMAIN CPA, LLC  ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE, DPC  212-675-8844  Facades & Roofing•Architectural Design  Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing•Energy Audits  Structural •Building Surveys•Plan Reviews  Schneider Buchel LLP  Representation of Cooperatives, Condominiums   and Homeowners Associations  Contact: Marc H. Schneider, ESQ.  Offi ces located in Long Island and NYC  516-393-5555 • 212-485-9400  KAGAN LUBIC LEPPER   FINKELSTEIN & GOLD, LLP  Providing Practical Legal Advice and Representation   to Cooperative & Condominium Associations   200 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10016 • 212-252-0300  Jack E. Lepper • Ronald J. Gold • Adam D. Finkelstein  commercial buildings, said   Crain’s.   Follow-  ing the bill’s passage by the City Council,   Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)   President John Banks said in a statement:   “Intro 1253 does not take a comprehensive,   city-wide  approach  needed  to  solve  this   complex  issue.     e  approach  taken  today   will have a negative impact on our ability to   attract and retain a broad range of indus-  tries, including technology, media,   nance,   and life sciences, that provide opportunity   and continued economic growth that is so   important for our city.”  REBNY added that the   xed limits   would hinder a building’s ability to handle   growth (i.e., the more people inside a build-  ing, the more energy is consumed, which   means the building would exceed the im-  posed cap).    e costs to building owners   for making the required upgrades, accord-  ing to REBNY, could run at least $4 billion.     e legislation was part of the city’s   larger program to combat climate change.   On April 22, de Blasio unveiled a series of   initiatives as part of the OneNYC 2050 plan   that called for the following: a commitment   to carbon neutrality by 2050, and 100-per-  cent clean electricity; the banning of new   ine   cient all-glass walled buildings;  the   mandatory collection of organics; and the   reduction of  waste and  carbon-intensive   consumption, like the elimination of pur-  chases of single-use plastic foodware.     ■  David Chiu is an associate editor at    e   Cooperator.  Should the board continue to remain unre-  sponsive to the reader’s entreaties or requests,   an attorney should be retained in order to   prompt action.”   ■  NYC OK’S BILL  continued from page 7  makes the necessary decisions—even unpop-  ular   nancial ones —when the situation de-  mands it is the association that survives over   the long term. Most owners, begrudgingly   or not, understand that a slight increase in   maintenance charges from year to year is the   cost of doing business—and if they do not, it   is the board’s responsibility to explain that to   them. It’s when a board avoids implementing   a required increase for whatever reason, only   then to disclose a  er several years that the   association will be underwater if they don’t   drastically increase maintenance, that the   residents are likely to grab their pitchforks.   ■  Mike Odenthal is a sta   writer/reporter for      e Cooperator.   MAINTENANCE..  continued from page 11  Q&A  continued from page 5  DOORS & GATES  Since 1955 Design,   fabricate, install   and service  Custom Iron work, doors and gates   917.656.9166    631.353.3375  WE LISTEN. WE ADVOCATE.  WE NAVIGATE. WE DELIVER.

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