Page 12 - NY Cooperator July 2019
P. 12

BUDGET & FINANCE  T  he board of a building or com-  munity association has a fiduciary  out of control. It’s the willful mismanage-  duty to uphold its community’s  ment and misappropriation of funds that   governing documents, act in good faith,  can lead to severe problems, which need   and advance the interests of the commu-  nity at large. Occasionally, boards fail to   carry out this duty – sometimes through  management or misappropriation is to   mismanagement and poor decision mak-  ing, and sometimes through willful dis-  regard for the association’s bylaws. In the  pears to be involved, contact the office of   latter situation, there’s usually one unit-  ing motivator: money.   When a board or manager mishandles  Firm in Purchase, New York. “This usual-  association funds (whether they are from  ly results in swift enforcement action, in-  operating accounts or reserves), the neg-  ative ramifications can be felt across the  restitution of the misappropriated funds.   entire community, impacting individual  \\\[Without\\\] proof, it will be difficult to get   owners’ and shareholders’ investments.  the  district attorney’s office  interested.   So it’s in everyone’s best interests to have  And a civil lawsuit would be problematic,   competent management and legal pros  since you’d eventually have to prove your   helping  the  board  guide  members  along  case, and will incur legal fees while trying   the straight-and-narrow path. It’s also  to do so.”  crucial to have a robust insurance policy   in place and to identify mismanagement  an individual is caught engaging in   before it becomes debilitating.  Identify and Act  Budgeting and bookkeeping mistakes  as the perpetrator. For obvious reasons,   are inevitable, but diligent accounting  this can be tricky. “If someone commits a   will usually catch them before they spiral   to be rooted out.  “My advice to clients faced with mis-  gather proof – often via forensic account-  ing – and then, if criminal conduct ap-  the District Attorney,” says John J. LaGu-  mina, Partner at The LaGumina Law   cluding requiring the perpetrator to make   There’s also the reality that even when   shady business, it can fall to that person’s   friends and neighbors to out him or her   Facing Financial   Mismanagement  When Boards or Managers Are at Fault  BY MIKE ODENTHAL  12 THE COOPERATOR   —JULY 2019  COOPERATOR.COM  Since 1958, out clients have been assured  of excellence in building management.  We don’t like our boards to be surprised. Good building operations,  capital planning and prudent   nancial guidance translate into  well-run buildings. No surprises equals secure owners.  At Buchbinder & Warren, we understand  your apartment is not just an’s a home.  Please call us to learn more about our services.  One Union Square West • New York, NY 10003  212.243.6722  PLANNING  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM  Back-up Power that ack-up Power that   SavesSaves  781.466.6400    45 First Avenue, Waltham, MA 02451   |  |  HURRICAN MATTHEW 2011 MATTHEW 2011  HURRICAN  HURRICANE IRENE 2011  HURRICAN MICHAEL 2018  TROPICAL STORM PHILIPPE 2017  HURRICANE FLORENCE 2018  TROPICAL STORM CINDY 2017  TROPICAL STORM BILL 2016OPICAL STORM BILL 2016  TR  Resilience  from the Grid  B  TM  June marks the start of Hurricane season!

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