Page 17 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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COOPERATOR.COM  THE COOPERATOR   —  APRIL 2019     17  spring work, as well as the best way to prior-  itize and schedule service calls. “Our office   is equipped to get estimates and coordinate   and oversee various types of subcontrac-  tors,  including  painters,  power  washers,   landscapers, masons, plumbers, and more,”   says Don Cabrera, Owner of Cabrera Com-  panies  in  Wildwood  Crest,  New  Jersey.   “Our company also coordinates necessary   inspections with contractors for annual   spring  preventive  maintenance  for things   like pool and spa equipment. We generally   accompany  and provide instruction  and   oversight to all contractors. Additionally,   we can perform touch-up painting, pres-  sure washing and minor landscaping, de-  pending on the size of the job, property and   required man hours.”   If the winter weather has been particu-  larly harsh, an association may need to deal   with issues beyond just fallen twigs and   grubby signage. “Winter ice damming can   be especially damaging to roofs,” says But-  ler. “An association should engage a roof-  ing expert to conduct regular inspections   to better identify necessary repairs to avoid   further water infiltration when the spring   arrives in force.”  Into the Woods  Some associations are more sprawling   than  others,  and  those  that  occupy  vast   plots of land may require more consider-  ation as the days warm than those associa-  tions occupying urban spaces.  “Our condominium association consists   of 21 units in four buildings over 42 acres,”   says Gordon Crosson, Manager of Oyster   River Condominium Association in Lee,   New Hampshire. “We’re not far from the   University of New Hampshire, but we’re in   a heavily-wooded area with walking trails   and the like. As far as spring is concerned,   we have a contract with a landscaper who   does both our snow plowing and our lawn   service, so he’ll come out to do what we re-  fer to as a ‘cleanup’ toward the top of the   season. We also have a group we call the   Beautification Committee that changes the  in the back of their units.  flowers around four lamp posts that we have   scattered throughout the property, as well  so we handle a lot of our own perimeter  new faces move in, and we strive to get   as the big flower bed with a granite display  cutting during the year, which we’ll also  them involved as much as we’re able.”  at the entrance of the property that displays  do come the spring,” Crosson continues.   our community’s name. \\\[The committee\\\]  “We prune many of our trees, as well as   also provides peat moss and loam for own-  ers to use at their discretion to spruce up  have some painting work that we’ll do. It’s a  days into being, a building or association   their own flower beds – particularly those  small enough community where everybody   “Last year we purchased a brush mower,  helping hand. We occasionally have some   some bushes. Once spring gets going, we  ing fresh enough to will sunny, 62-degree   knows everyone else and enjoys lending a   Interior Considerations  Once the exterior of a property is look-  “A list of work for   basic maintenance in   preparation for spring   will depend on the   specific property and its   unique needs.”         — James Maistre  ROSENWACH TANK  THE FIRST NAME IN QUALITY CEDAR WOOD TANKS  WE ARE CERTIFIED and IT MATTERS!  718.729.4900   43-02 Ditmars Boulevard, 2nd Fl., Astoria, NY 11105  Rosenwach is proud to announce that Rosenwach’s tanks are certified to NSF/ANSI 61 by NSF   International, a leading global independent public health and safety organization. NSF/ANSI 61   addresses crucial aspects of drinking water system components such as whether contaminants   that leach or migrate from the product/material into the drinking water are below acceptable levels   in finished waters.  To receive certification, Rosenwach Tank submitted product samples to NSF that underwent rigorous   testing to recognized standards, and agreed to manufacturing facility audits and periodic retesting   to verify continued conformance to the standards.  The NSF mark is our customers’ assurance that our prod-  uct has been tested by one of the most respected indepen-  dent certification organizations. Only products bearing the   NSF mark are certified.  continued on page 44   See us at Booth 1008

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