Page 14 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
P. 14

14 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  Hygiene in Shared Amenities  Keeping It Clean   BY A J SIDRANSKY  LANDSCAPING, LAWN CARE & CURB APPEAL/EXPO  O  ne of the biggest perks of mod-  ern multifamily living is the all-  inclusive, amenity-rich building or   HOA.  Depending  on  your  own  building’s   offerings, you can go to the gym, swim,   have a spa treatment, entertain your kids in   the community playroom, or even take in a   movie. When you add in food delivery ser-  vices, work-from-home arrangements and   Netflix,  you  don’t  really  have  to  leave  the   building if you don’t want to.   Keeping amenities well maintained is   crucial to retaining their value and protect-  ing the safety of those who use them.  But   that maintenance goes beyond just keeping   the floors swept and the lights on. What   about  hygiene?  Is  the  spa as  clean  as  you   would like to believe? Is the children’s play-  room a real-life petri dish? Is the screening   room a stopover for bed bugs or roaches?   Insuring the Best Conditions  Gail Hamilton is the New York City Ex-  ecutive Director/partner at Professional   Fitness Management, a firm that manages   building amenities in the greater New York/  New Jersey and Washington, D.C. markets.   She has more than 30 years’ experience in   the field and has worked all over the con-  tinental  United  States.  “For  each  facility,”   she says, “you want to make sure there is   adequate signage with the rules and regu-  lations, disclaimers, emergency procedures   and contact personnel displayed inside the   facility. For instance, ‘slippery when wet,’   around pool areas and in shower areas.   Things that reduce risk to the property and   personnel should be posted and clearly un-  derstandable. There should also be training   in place for any on-site personnel.”  “The top priority is to maintain a safe,   hygienic environment,” says Vincent Ra-  polla, a property manager at 77 Hudson   Street, a 420-unit high-rise condominium   in Jersey City, New Jersey. One of the means   his team uses to accomplish that is a system   of sign-offs to keep track of what’s going on   in the association’s various amenity areas –   particularly the pool and health club. Done   by the maintenance staff,  the sign-offs keep   track of what safety and hygiene measures   where completed, and at what time. “This   way I can always tell our clients with cer-  tainty that we are keeping the facility in top   shape,” says Rapolla.  Pools and Spas  “Pools, saunas, and so forth are known   as ‘bathing establishments,’” in industry   lingo, says Hamilton. “And a bathing estab-  lishment comes under the auspices of the  New York City co-op and condo manage-  Department of Health in New York City.  ment firm, says they have gyms in about   There are approximately 15 signage bullet  25 of the buildings they manage. “In small   points pertaining to pool safety and hy-  giene. There are four \\\[inspection\\\] cycles per  “with, say, less than 12 pieces of equipment,   year, and city inspectors come around un-  announced. A pool has to be permitted, and  gyms in his buildings are also unstaffed,   once the pool is permitted, the permit goes  as they are neither large nor busy enough   to  the Department of  Health,  which  then  to require full-time attendants. “The gyms   comes and does an inspection. If you don’t  are cleaned twice a day by the buildings’   have any violations, they come back about  maintenance staff,” he says. “Gyms tend to   every three months or so. If you do have a  be busy early in the morning, from say 5:00   violation, and you can correct it on the spot,  a.m. to 8:00 a.m., then not again till late in   they don’t close you down. But if you can’t,  the afternoon into the evening. We clean   they will close you down on the spot. When  once in the late morning, and once in the   you rectify the issue, they will return and re-  inspect within a few weeks.”  Saunas and Steam Rooms  Hamilton cautions that the issue in steam   rooms and saunas is more about safety than   cleanliness, in most situations. Inspectors   are seeking to make sure that temperature   controls are working properly – because   heat can kill. If the controls aren’t accurate,   that’s a major risk both to anyone using the   facility and to the building or association in   terms of liability. Alarms have to be func-  tioning and fully operational. Signage is re-  quired, as are working temperature gauges.  for a children’s play area to quickly become  showed her the sign-off logs building staff   You don’t want anyone to roast, poach or  a petri dish of bacteria and other biohaz-  steam to death.  Gyms and Fitness Rooms   Dan Wollman, CEO of Gumley Haft, a   gyms in residential buildings,” he says,   there aren’t any regular inspections.” The   later evening. We have a machine called a   Dupray  machine, which is  a  ‘green’  prod-  uct. It cleans and disinfects at the same time   with superheated water which reaches 212   degrees. As one of my supers says, ‘No one   is allergic to water.’ These facilities often   have security cameras as well, not to spy   on the residents, but rather for security and   emergencies to alert the front desk in the   event of a problem.”  Childrens’ Play Spaces  Kids are a blessing, but they can also be  keeping a dirty playroom after her grand-  messy. Fun as they are, it doesn’t take long  child became sick following a visit. Rapolla   ards. To prevent the spread of illness and  as well as the products they used. That sat-  infection among young residents (and their   adult caregivers), “all toys should be wiped   down every day with disinfecting and sani-  tizing solution,” says Hamilton. This should   be done by the building staff, but parents   should do it too. “There should be sanitizing   wipes all over the playroom as well. Chang-  ing tables should be set off at the far end of   the rooms.” Buildings can adopt a policy of   not allowing sick children to enter common   play areas, but these policies are determined   on a building-by-building basis.  “There are general rules,” says Wollman,   “but we don’t tell parents how to raise their   children. At 1125 Park, for instance, they   have both gym and playroom rules. We ask   that residents clean up after their children   and that they not have parties in the play-  room. We also use the Dupray machine in   the playroom. It cleans everything and any-  thing.”  Rapolla says that while they don’t have   a specific policy to keep sick kids out of the   playroom at 77 Hudson, they do what they   can to keep the playroom hygienic. They got   rid of all the small toys, and wipe down ev-  erything a couple of times a day. He relates   a story of one resident who accused them of   uses to keep track of cleaning and hygiene,   ISTOCKPHOTO.COM

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