Page 10 - CooperatorNews New York Expo 2021
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10 COOPERATORNEWS —  OCTOBER 2021                               COOPERATORNEWS.COM  E XPE C T  THE  E X CEPTIONAL  Elevating Property Management   Through Personalized Service  The right management partner will improve the service   your residents see, elevate your property values, and make   the most of your investments. That starts with understanding   your unique needs and creating a customized plan to  address them. Get the exceptional service you and   your residents deserve now.  Contact AKAM at 212.986.0001 or   to explore how AKAM can manage your property   so you don’t have to.  AK AM. C OM  In the wake of a tragedy of the size and  Jeremy A. Cohen, a partner at the law firm   scope of the recent building collapse in Surf-  side, Florida, many board members in con-  dos, co-ops, and HOAs have concerns about  the U.S. and globally, defines D&O insur-  what liability they may assume in their ad-  ministrative role. This concern is legitimate.   Board service is a volunteer position—those  coverage typically purchased by corpora-  who choose to serve do so for free, donat-  ing their time and effort to their community.  its directors and officers,” he says, “subject   The last thing a volunteer wants is to find  to provisions and exclusions set forth in the   themselves being sued as a result of a deci-  sion they made in good faith. So what stands  ance generally covers claims against cor-  between boards and backlash? Insurance, for  porate directors and officers arising out of   one—and solid governing documents.   Directors & Officers Insurance  The main protection for volunteer board  for breach of fiduciary duty and improper   members against liability for decisions they  governance with respect to corporate af-  make that may negatively affect the commu-  nity comes from Directors and Officers in-  surance, more commonly known as ‘D&O.’  privacy.”   Seyfarth Shaw, which has offices in New   York, Chicago,  Boston,  and  other  cities  in   ance and its coverage:  “Directors & Officers insurance is the   tions to cover all manner of claims against   specific language of the policy. D&O insur-  their performance of duties on behalf of the   corporation.  This typically includes claims   fairs, as well as claims by individuals, such   as defamation, libel, slander, and invasion of   Protecting Board Members from Claims  A Look at Liability & Insurance Coverage   BY A. J. SIDRANSKY  BOARD OPERATIONS  See us at Booth 216

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