Page 3 - The NY Cooperator September 2019
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COOPERATOR.COM  THE COOPERATOR —  SEPTEMBER 2019    3  Yale Robbins   Publisher  Henry Robbins   Executive Vice President  Joanna DiPaola   Associate Publisher  Hannah Fons   Senior Editor  David Chiu   Associate Editor  Pat Gale   Associate Editor  Shirly Korchak   Art Director  Anne Anastasi   Production Manager  Victor Marcos   Traffi c Coordinator  Michael Odenthal   Staff Writer  Alan J. Sidransky   Staff Writer  TABLE OF CONTENTS  CLiMate LeGisLation and EMission issues  While the ‘Green New Deal’ and other long-term climate solutions are being debat-  ed at the federal level, some states and municipalities are getting in on the action as   well, setting legal emissions benchmarks that will have a real impact on the lives of   multifamily community residents – including those in co-ops, condos, and HOAs.    PAGE 1  LocaL Law 97  Th  is past spring, New York City took a huge step in confronting the threat of climate   change with its own version of a ‘Green New Deal.’ On April 18, the City Council   passed the Climate Mobilization Act, a package of bills aimed at getting the Big Apple   to do its part in fi ghting global warming.  PAGE 1  Fines and PenaLties  Community living comes with lots of rules and regulations – many of which are   codifi ed in largely static, hard-to-amend governing documents like proprietary   leases and condominium declarations. PAGE 1  ReMoVinG a   condoMiniuM owner  Removing a disruptive, abusive, non-paying, or otherwise problematic tenant from   a rental building is relatively easy. Doing the same thing in a co-op is also possible,   though substantially harder. PAGE 16  Board Transition   Community associations are microcosms of democracy, run by an elected board of   volunteers trusted to make good decisions on behalf of the community as a whole.   Boards make the call on every large and small issue for their constituency.  PAGE 18  ON THE WEB...  421-a TaX ABateMent SPared Via ReVised   Rent ReGuLation BiLL   PAGE 6  WHat’s HaPPeninG in tHe BronX   PAGE 6  WaLdorF Condos to Hit MarKet THis FaLL   PAGE 6  IndustrY PuLse/CaLendar   PAGE 4   Q&A   PAGE 5    The Cooperator is published monthly by Yale Robbins Publications, LLC, 205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016, (212) 683-5700. President: Yale Robbins, Executive Vice   President: Henry Robbins. Subscriptions are available free by request to  co-op and condo board members and homeowner associations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to   The  Chicagoland  Cooperator, 205  Lexington Ave., New  York,  NY  10016. ©Yale Robbins Publications, LLC  2019.  All rights  reserved.  Application  to mail  Periodicals postage rates is   pending at New York NY. FREE Subscriptions for Board Members, Property Managers and Real Estate Decision Makers. To Subscribe, please visit us at:

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