Page 16 - The NY Cooperator September 2019
P. 16

16 THE COOPERATOR —  SEPTEMBER 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  250 Park Avenue South  New York, New York 10003   212-557-3600  To learn more about our property   management services, please contact   Andrew S. Lazarus, Senior Vice President   212-813-3054 or  Since 1990, Tudor Realty Services Corp. has been providing hands-  on, proactive property management services to cooperative and   condominium buildings throughout New York City.  Life was simpler in 1990. New rules and regulations as well as   changing echnology have certainly made managing your building    t  more challenging.   Let us tell you how our extensive experience, team approach, strong   financial reporting, and advanced use of technology will help you   meet the challenge.  37966_Cooperator_5x6.25.indd   1  12/8/17   11:24 AM  Providing a Full Range of   Architectural & Engineering Services  In-house professional   expertise in:  Exterior Restoration &       Historic Preservation  Construction Inspection  Alteration Review  Architectural Design  Engineering:  n  Mechanica  l   n  Electrical  n  Plumbing  n  Structural  Energy Audits  Forensic Investigation  Façade Safety Inspection       Program Reporting  Green Design –       LEED Professionals  Client satisfaction    assured by the active   daily involvement of    the firm’s principals  914.423.8844  BOARD OPERATIONS  Removing a    Condominium Owner  A Complex Legal Process  BY A J SIDRANSKY  Removing a disruptive, abusive, non-  paying, or otherwise problematic tenant  proaches and nuances, a point we will re-  from a rental building is relatively easy. Do-  ing the same thing in a co-op is also possi-  ble, though substantially harder. But remov-  ing a condo owner from the premises (and  strong Teasdale, a law firm based in Man-  effectively wiping out his or her equity posi-  tion as a member of the condominium asso-  ciation) is very difficult indeed, and subject  association  has  recourse  against  a  unit   to very narrow legal interpretation—yet is  owner only for monetary defaults issues –   doable under certain circumstances.   While theoretically a co-op shareholder  charges. Owners cannot be removed for bad   could  be  evicted  for  non-monetary  issues  behavior. She outlines the process as follows:  (prolonged patterns of harassment; cease-  less petty litigation against neighbors or  mon charges, the board can file a lien   the cooperative corporation; and criminal  against the owner’s unit. Once the lien has   activity are a few examples), the same is vir-  tually impossible in a condominium setting.  bring an action to recover the money due,   Condominiums are pure real estate, not  or it can foreclose on the lien. A lawsuit to   shares in a corporate entity. As a matter of  recover the money due is less expensive and   fact, from a legal standpoint, even the word  faster than a lawsuit to foreclose the lien, but   ‘eviction’ cannot be used relative to remov-  ing a condo owner, though it can be applied  ful in a lawsuit to recover the money due,   to removing a rental tenant in a condomini-  um unit—a point we will return to later. The  be enforced against bank accounts or other   closest we can come to a legally recogniz-  able term for this type of action is a removal.  Generally speaking, points of law on this  marshal or sheriff – is required to enforce   subject are consistent from state to state  the judgment.”  with only slight variations. The important   distinctions relate to whether the person  to foreclose the lien that is similar to a mort-  being removed is the owner of a unit, or  gage foreclosure action,” Schechter contin-  that owner’s tenant. In both cases, laws are  ues. “If the action is successful, the result   consistent on the most basic matters. Some  is a judgment to sell the unit and apply the   states’ statutes have slightly differing ap-  turn to later.  Removing a Condo Owner  Julie Schechter is a partner with Arm-  hattan. She explains that, unlike the co-  operative corporation, a condominium   almost exclusively nonpayment of common   “When a condominium is owed com-  been filed, the board has two options: it can   neither is very fast. If the board is success-  it  will  obtain  a  money  judgment  that  can   assets of the unit owner. The assistance of   an enforcement official – specifically a city    Alternatively, “an action can be brought 

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