Page 34 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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34 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  A  s  community  members,  co-op   and condo owners work together   to maintain the greater struc-  ture in which they live – not just their   individual units. Major systems – things   like boilers, roofs, and facades – are ex-  pensive to maintain and repair, but each   has  a  standard  useful  life.  Thus,  boards   and managers should be diligent to keep   track not only of the condition of those   systems, but of the capital funds avail-  able to repair or replace them, need be.   Co-ops and condos  should  also  have  a   second type of reserve fund, for unex-  pected operating expenses. This reserve   is usually smaller than the main capital   fund, and is in place to protect the cor-  poration’s or association’s ability to pay   bills or meet at least initial payments on   emergency situations.   There isn’t any legal requirement for a   minimum reserve fund amount per unit   per se. However, most attorneys, accoun-  tants, and lenders who make loans to co-  ops and condos recommend that corpo-  rations and associations follow Federal   National Mortgage Association (FNMA,   also known as ‘Fannie Mae’) guidelines,   which require a 10 percent reserve as a   line item in their annual budget.  Useful Life  For the purposes of real estate, the   concept of ‘useful life’ is defined as the   number  of  years  an  asset  will  likely  re-  main in service for the purpose of cost-  effective revenue generation. In the con-  text of co-op and condo properties, the   concept can be applied to pretty much   Capital Reserve   Funds   How Much Do You Really Need?  BY A J SIDRANSKY  BUDGET & FINANCE  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM  EMG INDUSTRIAL CHIMNEY INC.  230 Patton Avenue  W. Babylon, New York 11704  Office: 212.779.1378  631.920.6630  Fax: 631.920.6625  Complete Chimney  Installation and Maintenance  Professionals  Chimney Linings  Chimney Extensions  Chimney Replacements  External Chimney Stacks  Breeching Replacement  Single/Double Wall Stacks  Smoke & Pressure tests  Interior Video Scans  Code Violations Cleared  Draft Fans Installed  Certified Scaffold Installers  Certified welders • OSHA & DOB Compliant  NYC Lic.# 2021827DCA  EMG Industrial Chimney Ad 5x6.25 FINAL_Layout 1  8/13/15  11:43 AM  Page 1  See us at Booth 1116

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