Page 5 - CooperatorNews New York 2022
P. 5

AUGUST 2022  
Disclaimer:    e answers provided in this Q&A  
column are of a general nature and cannot  
substitute for professional advice regarding your  
speci  c circumstances. Always seek the advice of  
competent legal counsel or other quali  ed profes- 
sionals with any questions you may have regard- 
ing technical or legal issues. 
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Say Cheese? 
Today shareholders at our  
Mitchell-Lama co-op in Queens  
were informed with less than  
24-hours notice that there will be a film  
shoot taking place tomorrow on the prop- 
erty from 6:00am Thursday and com- 
pleted  12:00pm  on  Friday.  Notice  stated  
all shareholders have to remove their cars  
from the parking lot by 6am and will be  
paid $200 each. The board also stated  
that the film company has arranged for  
parking at a  local church several blocks  
away with security. Filming will take  
place in the parking lot and walkways of  
one building. In another building it will  
take place on the roof and on an apart- 
ment floor. Shareholders on this floor will  
receive $300 per apartment as an incon- 
venience fee. The corporation will receive  
$30,000, and another $1,000 for use of the  
community room.  
In allowing this action the board has  
intentionally violated several house rules  
regarding noise and a 9am to 10pm activ- 
ity rule in buildings. The board has failed  
to consider privacy violation issues, in- 
surance issues, and it is doubtful that a  
contract exists.  
An inquiry was made with the cor- 
porate attorney to find out if he advised  
the board and reviewed any contract. I  
am sure that I will not receive a response  
from him due to the fact that there is fa- 
cade and roof construction taking place  
due to an 8A loan, and because he will  
protect the corporation in this matter.  
Are the actions of the board legal and/ 
or proper, and what laws and regulations  
were they supposed to take note of and  
consider before agreeing to this business  
transaction at our co-op? 
Dov Treiman, partner at  
Adam Leitman Bailey P.C.  
in New York City, says,  
“The reader states that the board is vio- 
lating several house rules with regard to  
this film project. This may be the case,  
but violating rules or laws does not au- 
tomatically end a matter up in the courts.  
Somebody has to sue somebody. Ameri- 
can courts do not reach out for the cases  
themselves. Lawsuits are designed to be  
expensive so that the courts are the last  
resort, not the first. Thus, in this mat- 
ter, chances are small that a case will be  
brought. Absent a case, there is nearly  
nothing to do.  
“It is almost inconceivable that the  
board or the film company would act  
without a written contract. The film  
company is going to want to protect itself  
from shareholder suits by having such a  
contract. Under the right circumstances,  
shareholders are entitled to see the con- 
tract. The reader should also be aware  
that there is a thing called ‘the Business  
Judgment Rule’ that gives a board broad  
discretion in acting on behalf of the co- 
op. This rule is so broad that challenges  
to board actions usually fail in the courts.  
There may be issues for which the co-op  
as a whole may become liable from what  
occurs in this transaction. But, that too  
would require somebody suing. Rules are  
not self-enforcing. It is nearly impossible  
to tell from the question what specific  
rules or regulations may have been vio- 
lated, but there is the possibility that the  
correct answer is zero.”    
  Do you have  
an issue with  
your board? Are you wondering  
how to solve a dispute with a  
neighbor? Can’t fi nd informa- 
tion you need about a build- 
ing’s fi nances? Our attorney  
advisors have the answers to all  
of your legal questions. Write  
to CooperatorNews and we’ll  
publish your question, along  
with a response from one of our  
attorney advisors. Questions may  
be edited for taste, length and  
clarity. Send your questions to: 
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