Page 3 - CooperatorNews New York December 2021
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COOPERATORNEWS.COM  COOPERATORNEWS —  DECEMBER 2021    3  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Yale Robbins   Publisher  Henry Robbins   Executive Vice President  Joanna DiPaola   Associate Publisher  Hannah Fons   Senior Editor  Darcey Gerstein   Associate Editor  Pat Gale   Associate Editor  Shirly Korchak   Art Director  Anne Anastasi   Production Manager  Alan J. Sidransky   Staff Writer  CooperatorNews is published monthly by Yale Robbins Infomedia, 205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016, (212) 683-5700. President: Yale Robbins, Executive Vice President: Henry Robbins. Subscriptions are available free by request to  co-op and condo board members and   homeowner associations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CooperatorNews, 205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016. Yale Robbins Infomedia 2021. All rights reserved. Application to mail Periodicals postage rates is pending at New York NY. FREE Subscriptions for Board   Members, Property Managers and Real Estate Decision Makers. To Subscribe, please visit us at:  Security Training ..... 1  Whether you live in a single-family home, an apartment building, or an HOA, home secu- It’s often said that good people are hard to find. That may be true, but for residential   rity is a major concern. Providing that security can range from installing a simple alarm   system to equipping and training building staff members to use sophisticated access and   retaining them—is a major key to success. Doing so can be a roundabout process;   surveillance technology, to a hybrid approach incorporating both tech and people.   Package Security & Storage...... . 1  Not so very long ago, acquiring goods and services required some physical effort on the   part of consumers; a trip to a store, or restaurant, or other commercial establishment.   Sure, you could phone or mail in an order from the Sears catalog or have Domino’s   deliver a pizza, but that was about it.   Hiring Staff .... 1  communities like co-ops and condos, finding good people—and then hiring and    unlike the faceless, contactless, online employment sites so common in the business   world today, hiring and vetting for service jobs in co-op and condo communities is    more old-fashioned, often conducted through word of mouth and personal referrals.   F A S T  AT YOUR  PROPERTY  1995 Broadway, NY, NY 10023  Tel: 212.799.2365  At Veritas, we’re always just a hop, skip or subway ride  away, making responsive service a priority. In a digital  age, we’re on top of technology. But we also handle  things the old-fashioned way; we’re at your property in  person, when you need us.  Co-op, Condo and Rental Management  •  Online Services  Project Management  •  Sales and Leasing  •  Compliance  and Filings  •  Emergency Services  •  Staff Supervision  Connect your property to Veritas  Call us to learn more  Pulse...... 4    Q&A...... 5   From the Web...... 6                  Service Directory...... 14  US POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (REQUIRED BY 39 U.S.C. 3685) 1. Publication Title: The Cooperator  2. Publication Number: 0003-184 3. Date of Filing: 11/30/21 4. Issue Frequency: Monthly 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 12 6. Annual Subscription Price: $0 7. Complete Mailing Address   of Known Office of Publication: 205 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016. 8. Complete Mailing Address of the General Headquarters or General Business Offices of Publisher: Same. 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher: Yale Robbins, Publisher, Same; Henry Robbins, Executive Vice President; Joanna DiPaola,   Associate Publisher, Same; Hannah Fons, Executive Editor, Same; 10. Owner: Yale Robbins Publications, LLC, Yale Robbins, President, Same and Henry Robbins, Executive Vice President, Same. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages and Other Security Holders Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages or other Securities: None.   12. N/A  13. The Cooperator 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data: November 2021 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average Number of Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: 10,388 a.) Total Number of Copies: 10,532 b.1): Paid/Requested Outside-County Mail Subscription: 10,215 c). Total Paid Distribution: 10,215 d). Free Distribution   by Mail: 50 d.1): Outside County: 0  d.2): In-County: 0 d.3): Other Classes Mailed through the USPS: 50 d.4): Free Distribution Outside the Mail: 25 e). Total Free Distribution: 75 f). Total Distribution 14,841 g). Copies Not Distributed: 183  h). Total: 10,388 i). Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 98% 16. Electronic Copy Circulation: N/A.    17. Publication of Statement of Ownership for a Requester Publication will be published in the December 2021 issue of this publication. Joanna DiPaola, Associate Publisher.

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