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Personal  military status, sex, marital status, or dis-  references are important too. I must find  ability; the New York City Human Rights   someone who knows the candidate.”  Wollman also says it’s crucial to keep  of the City of New York), which prohibits   in mind that specific buildings may re-  quire very specific skills. “Not every ap-  plicant can run a modern building with  and the Americans with Disabilities Act   modern infrastructure,” he says. “If a guy  (ADA), which protects those with legal   has been the super in a pre-war for 25  disabilities.”  years, he may not know how to use the   most modern systems.”  Wolf agrees. “You must define the role  cus  Errico  Emmer  &  Brooks,  concurs.   and the job description,” he says. “Person  “Condominium associations must make   X may not be for property Y. For mainte-  nance people, I vet on skills and capabili-  ties. What are the true needs of the prop-  erty? Those are the skills you are looking  must consider all laws and regulations,   for.”  Accurate job descriptions are very  criminatory measures covering age, race,   helpful, Wollman agrees.  “Sometimes  I  and other protected groups. In Massa-  need a supervisor rather than a fix-it guy,  chusetts, state law tracks federal law. I do   so I look for that experience. Becoming a  think that sometimes, in an attempt to be   super or changing from one property to  pleasant and to make an interviewee less   another should always be a levelling-up  intimidated, \[boards\] innocently wander   for the candidate, not a lateral move.”    “In terms of vetting,” says Halper, “we  dren just to make small talk. Be wary of   go through a process within our manage-  ment company, and then an interview  thin ice. Those topics may come out dur-  with a board. Strong communication  ing the course of the interview, but if you   skills are very important, especially de-  pending on the building. References are  family, for example, it could get you into   key. We look to existing supers to recom-  mend someone, because they know what   we are looking for. It’s a difficult position  staff is working during a pandemic or   to fill. With porters it’s much easier be-  cause the required skill set isn’t as great.  hiring and retaining the right personnel   It’s all work ethic.” And like Wollman,  is a crucial component of a building or as-  Halper’s view is that “as a manager, the  sociation that functions and thrives. The   stronger your super,  the  better  your  re-  lationship with the board and residents.”  Legal Considerations  Another component of vetting is  a  treating veteran and new staff members   background check. The type and depth  alike with respect and compensation that   of background checks legally permitted  reflects the scope of what they do. Good   to be run on potential hires varies from  communities attract good employees—  place to place. According to Wollman,  and that pays rewards for everybody.      New  York  State  law  no  longer permits   them—which makes personal recom-  mendations even more critical when   hiring building employees.  Halper does   credit checks on all potential employees,   and in Massachusetts, Wolf says he does   criminal background checks on everyone,   but not credit checks.  Another major consideration in hir-  ing is staying on the right side of both the   letter and the spirit of antidiscrimination   laws. “In New York City and all of New   York State, no employer can discriminate   in the hiring or firing of building staff—  and that includes condominium and co-  operative boards,” says Mark Hakim, an   attorney with Manhattan-based law firm   “In New York, the primary antidiscrimi-  Law (Title 8 of the Administrative Code   discrimination in employment, housing,   and public accommodations in the city;   Ellen Shapiro, an attorney with Brain-  tree, Massachusetts-based law firm Mar-  the same consideration as in any other   employer,” she says. “The standard is   neither lesser nor greater for them. They   including the ADA, and other non-dis-  into  topics like  marital  status and  chil-  that—being pleasant can waltz you onto   ask an interviewee if they’re planning a   trouble later on.”  Whether a residential community’s   what we now think of as ‘normal times,’   last 20-plus months have demonstrated   the importance not only of identifying   the right people for a given role, but of   n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for   CooperatorNews, and a published novelist. He   can be reached at  HIRING STAFF  continued from page 11

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