Q Recently shareholders have asked to have family names added to proprietary stock
certificates (I was told to avoid estate “problems” in the future.) I balked (I'm on the board) stating the legal rights of ownership, and
liabilities, then also transfer. Thus, these relatives can insist on occupying the space in the event of death of
occupant without being interviewed by the board, which in my opinion is not
advisable. Additionally, these relatives can have financial problems that could
possibly then attach to the property. My question: am I correct in these two assumptions—the relatives of the original stockholder (who did apply, giving all financials
and interview) can occupy without board interview/consent; or, any financial
problems the relatives may have can have a direct impact on said co-op through
the requested transfer of stock?
—Concerned About Co-op Transfer
A “Just because people ask to have relatives or friends added to the stock
certificates does not mean the board has to agree,” says New York-based real estate attorney C. Jaye Berger. “There should be a requirement that they meet whatever financial requirements the
building may have. Even in the event of death, the building does not
necessarily have to agree to allow the family member or friend mentioned in the
will to live in the building. For example, a shareholder can state in his/her
will that a friend will inherit the shares but that person must still meet the
financial requirements for the building. If they do not have sufficient income
to pay the monthly maintenance, the estate would have to sell the apartment and
give the proceeds to the friend or relative.
“There is also an issue concerning jurisdiction. If you add another person to the
stock and proprietary lease, they need to be served in the event of a default.
It can get complicated if that new party lives outside of the State of New York
or even the United States. In other words, if the building were to allow the
party to be added in addition to the current shareholders, the building might
want to impose some requirements about what constitutes good service in the
event of a lawsuit. These are the same kinds of issues boards face when
shareholders want to set up trusts. This would only involve a small group of
shareholders who own their shares and do not have mortgages where bank approval
is needed.”
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